Dr. S. Erfan Aghili

Materials Engineering Group, Golpayegan College of Engineering,
+983157240065- 282
+98 3157240067
Assistant Professor of Golpayegan College of Engineering
Research Interests
Powder Metallurgy
Advanced Materials
Surface Engineering
Additive Manufacturing-Laser Materials Processing
More Articles
Conference Papers
Title DOI type Conference Title
Synthesis of Cr3C2 by a combination of mechanical alloying and annealing 10.1016/j.aeue.2020.153585 Conference 9th International Conference on Mechanochemistry and Mechanical Alloying (INCOME 2017)
Study on the formation mechanism of nanostructured chromium carbide during mechanical alloying 10.1016/j.aeue.2020.153585 Conference International Conference on Nanoscience Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (IC2NM)
Fabrication and characterization of NiCr-hBN nanocomposite using mechanical alloying 10.1016/j.aeue.2020.153585 Conference 8th World - International Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (WICSET2017)
Study on the Micro-Texture and Anisotropy of a Cold-Rolled and Intercritically Annealed DP800 Steel 10.1134/S0031918X22601081 Journal
Effect of Post-weld Intercritical Annealing on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Friction Stir-Welded DP600 Steel 10.1007/s11665-023-08122-x Journal
Evaluation of Short-Term Oxidation Mechanism of Laser Cladded Ni-Cr-C Coating on Titanium Aluminide Substrate 10.1007/s11085-023-10154-6 Journal
Damage Micromechanisms in Friction Stir-Welded DP600 Steel during Uniaxial Tensile Deformation 10.1007/s11665-022-06978-z Journal
Effect of Post-Weld Intercritical Annealing on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Gas Tungsten Arc Welded DP700 Steel 20.1001.1.2322388.2021. Journal
Microstructure and oxidation behavior of NiCr-chromium carbides coating prepared by powder-fed laser cladding on titanium aluminide substrate - Journal
Investigation of powder fed laser cladding of NiCr-chromium carbides single-tracks on titanium aluminide substrate - Journal