Dr.Mohammadali Rowshanzamir

Civil Engineering Department - Isfahan University of Technology(IUT)
+98 31 33913823
+98 31 33912700
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Department
Research Interests
Foundation and Earth Retaining Structures
type: Journal
Title DOI type
Soil microbial improvement using enriched vinasse as a new abundant waste 10.1038/s41598-023-49401-w Journal
Application of microbially induced calcite precipitation to mitigate soil frost heave - Journal
Combined Effect of End-of-Life Rubber and a Hydrophobic Polymer on Coastal Saturated Sand: A Multiaspect Investigation 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0004616 Journal
Application of superabsorbent geotextiles to decontaminate and improve crude oil-contaminated soil - Journal
Effect of red mud additive on the performance of clay barriers for radioactive waste disposals: an experimental study 10.1007/s12517-022-10755-6 Journal
Investigating the effect of hematite additive on the performance of clay barriers for radioactive waste disposals 10.1007/s10064-022-02914-6 Journal
A multi-aspect application of microwave radiation on rehabilitating and improving the geotechnical properties of polluted-sand-clay mixture 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2022.104040 Journal
type: Conference
Title DOI type Conference Title
Evaluation of the performance of bentonite and red mud and hematite mixture as a shield in radioactive waste landfills Conference 6th International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & 3 rd International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia
Evaluation of the performance of bentonite and hematite mixture as a shield in radioactive waste landfills Conference 1st International Congress on Civil Engineeng, Architecture, Building Materials and Environment
Evaluation of the performance of bentonite and serpentine mixture as a shield in radioactive waste landfills Conference International conference on New Research and Achievements i Science, Engineering and Technologies