Prof. Arjomand Mehrabani-Zeinabad
Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran - Postal Code : 84156-83111
Professor of Chemical Engineering Department
Interested In
Simulation & Control
Industrial Water & Waste Water Treatment
Environmental Protection
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Novel heat pump assisted distillation configurations for energy and economic savings and their application on propylene/propane and I-butane/N-butane separation systems 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120139 1403 01 Journal
Removal of chromium ions by a bionanocomposite hydrogel based on starch-g-poly(acrylic acid) reinforced by cellulose nanofibers through a fix-bed adsorption column 10.1007/s10098-023-02623-y 1402 07 Journal
Yolk@Wrinkled-double shell smart nanoreactors: new platforms for mineralization of pharmaceutical wastewater 10.3389/fchem.2023.1211503 1402 03 Journal
معرفي مكسن، روش سنتز و كاربرد Ti3C2 در فرآيندهاي فتوكاتاليستي 1402 02 Conference سومين همايش بين المللي تحقيقات در علوم و فناوري نانو
Rational Design and Synthesis of 3D Nanoreactors for Green Fuel Production: Design Band Gap Y@DS Photocatalyst under Visible Irradiation 10.1021/acsaem.2c02159 1401 12 Journal
Investigating the potential of microbial enhanced oil recovery in carbonate reservoirs using Bacillus persicus 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.126757 1401 08 Journal
Synthesis of Fe-TiO2/Al2O3 nanocatalyst for photocatalytic reduction of nitrate ion from aqueous solution under visible light and UV irradiation - 1401 04 Journal
Photocatalytic activity of ZrO2/TiO2/Fe3O4 ternary nanocomposite for the degradation of naproxen: characterization and optimization using response surface methodology - 1401 03 Journal
Developing a New Algorithm to Design Thermo-Vapor Compressors Using Dimensionless Parameters: A CFD Approach 10.3390/pr10030601 1400 12 Journal
كاربرد تحليل CFD در ارزيابي مشخصه هاي احتراقي برج سوزا كم فشار پالايشگاه پارس جنوبي 1400 11 Conference نهمين كنفرانس سوخت و احتراق ايران