koushesh@iut.ac.ir Office Room 101, Department of Mathematical Sciences Phone +98-31-33913646 Fax +98-31-33912602 Research Interests Topology (Analytic and Algebraic) Functional Analysis More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Strong Connectedness Modulo an Ideal 10.1007/s41980-023-00780-w Journal Connectedness modulo an ideal, a characterization theorem - Journal Connectifying a topological space by adding one point 10.30504/jims.2022.321037.1050 Journal On closed non-vanishing ideals in CB(X) I; Connectedness properties - Journal On closed subalgebras of CB(X) - Journal Ideals in CB(X) arising from ideals in X 10.4064/sm170807-27-9 Journal On closed non-vanishing ideals in CB(X) II compactness properties - Journal A Gelfand-Naimark type theorem - Journal Embedding normed linear spaces into C(X) - Journal Connectedness modulo an ideal - Journal