Office Natural Resources Department Isfahan University of Technology Phone +98 311 3911039 Fax +98 311 3912840 Positions Professor of Natural resources Department Research Interests Remote sensing Studies Vegetation Ecology landscape Ecology More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Effects of road features on the phytogeographical characteristics of plant species on natural-area roadsides 10.1007/s12224-020-09382-4 Journal Roadside flora in arid and semi arid natural areas (A case study Northern Khorasan Province Iran) # Journal Growth characteristics of Artemisia sieberi influenced by super absorbent polymers in texturally different soils under water stress condition 10.1080/03650340.2016.1256473 Journal Risk of fire occurrence in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of Iran an investigation using Bayesian belief networks 10.1007/s10661-016-5532-8 Journal Effects of smoke ash and heat shock on seed germination of seven species from Central Zagros rangelands in the semi arid region of Iran # Journal The effects of fire on density diversity and richness of soil seed bank in Semi-arid rangelands of Central Zagros region Iran # Journal Gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern Case study in Isfahan Iran) # Journal Remote sensing technology for mapping and monitoring vegetation cover (Case study Semirom-Isfahan Iran) # Journal Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Using IRS-AWIFS Satellite Imagery (Case Study Dehaghan Rangeland Isfahan IRAN) # Journal SOIL - VEGETATION RELATIONSHIPS OF THREE ARID LAND PLANT SPECIES AND THEIR USE IN REHABILITATING DEGRADED SITES # Journal