
Journal Papers
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بررسي خواص و رفتار لا يه مياني Zr-%5.1Sn-Ti-Cu-Ag در اتصال غيرهمجنس آلومينا به مس # Journal
ارزيابي اتصال غيرهمجنس آلومينا به مس با فلزپركننده فعال Sn-Ti-Cu-Ag و Zr-%3.5Sn-Ti-Cu-Ag به روش لحيم كاري سخت القايي # Journal
تحليل وايازشي چندگانه بين متغيرهاي كليدي فرايند لايه نشاني مستقيم با ليزر و هندسه روكش هاي اياد شده ابرآلياژ اينكونل 718 بر زيرلايه فولاد زنگ نزن 316 10.22076/ME.2023.1983169.1371 Journal
Effect of Initial Grain Size on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of In Situ Hybrid Aluminium Nanocomposites Fabricated by Friction Stir Processing 10.3390/app13127337 Journal
A novel approach to dissimilar joining of AA7075 to AZ31B by friction stir soldering using Sn intermediate layer 10.1080/10426914.2022.2030873 Journal
Dissimilar friction stir lap welding of AA7075 to AZ31B in the presence of Sn interlayer 10.1016/j.jmapro.2021.05.068 Journal
Remanufacturing the AA5052 GTAW Welds Using Friction Stir Processing 10.3390/met11050749 Journal
Effect of multi-pass friction stir processing on textural evolution and grain boundary structure of Al-Fe3O4 system 10.1016/j.jmrt.2019.10.076 Journal
Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Hybrid Aluminum Nanocomposites Synthesized from an Al-Fe3O4 System by Friction Stir Processing 10.1007/s12540-019-00393-1 Journal
Hot rolling of MWCNTs reinforced Al matrix composites produced via spark plasma sintering 10.1007/s42114-019-00095-7 Journal
EBSD investigation of Al/(Al13Fe4Al2O3) nanocomposites fabricated by mechanical milling and friction stir processing # Journal
Formation of Al/(Al13Fe4Al2O3) Nano-composites via Mechanical Alloying and Friction Stir Processing # Journal
Reactive mechanism and mechanical properties of in-situ hybrid nano-composites fabricated from an AlFe2O3 system by friction stir processing # Journal
Application of artificial neural network to predict Vickers microhardness of AA6061 friction stir welded sheets # Journal
Physical Mechanical and Dry Sliding Wear Properties of Fe-Cr-W-C Hardfacing Alloys Under Different Tungsten Addition # Journal
Influences of Tool Pin Profile and Tool Shoulder Curvature on The Formation of Friction Stir Welding Zone in AA6061 Aluminium Alloy # Journal
Microstructure and Wear Properties of Fe-Cr-C andFe-Cr-Nb-C Clads on Carbon Steel by TIG Surfacing Process # Journal
Effects of silicon content on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of Fe Cr C hardfacing alloys # Journal
Effect of silicon content on the microstructure and properties of Fe Cr C hardfacing alloys # Journal
Microstructure and wear properties of Fe-Cr-C and Fe-Cr-Si-C clads on carbon steel by TIG surfacing process # Journal