Enhancing air quality classification using a novel discrete learning-based multilayer perceptron model (DMLP) |
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A Reliable Jumping-based Classification Methodology For Environment Sector |
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Survey of the loss function in classification models: Comparative study in healthcare and medicine |
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A linear directional optimum weighting (LDOW) approach for parallel hybridization of classifiers |
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A discrete learning-based intelligent classifier for breast cancer classification |
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Influence of cost/loss functions on classification rate: A comparative study across diverse classifiers and domains |
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Etemadi regression in chemometrics: Reliability-based procedures for modeling and forecasting |
10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26399 |
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Etemadi reliability-based multi-layer perceptrons for classification and forecasting |
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Weighting Approaches in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: A Review |
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A Novel Discrete Deep Learning-Based Cancer Classification Methodology |
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Principal component based hybrid model for time series forecasting |
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ارايه كلاس جديدي از روشهاي آماري مبتني بر قابليت اعتماد بهمنظور مدلسازي و تصميمگيري |
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A Comparative Study of Discrete Direction vs. Continuous Distance-Based Cost Function in Energy Classification |
10.1007/s44196-023-00253-2 |
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Stock turning points classification using a novel discrete learning-based methodology |
10.1007/s00500-023-08150-8 |
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A novel discrete deep learning-based intelligent methodology for energy consumption classification |
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A novel discrete learning-based intelligent methodology for breast cancer classification purposes |
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يك مدل آماري هوشمند براي تشخيص نقاط خرابي در نگهداري و تعميرات پيشگويانه |
10.24200/J65.2022.57224.2189 |
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Intelligent Discrete Deep Learning Based Classification Methodology in Chemometrics |
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Discrete learning-based intelligent methodology for heart disease diagnosis |
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