
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Advanced modelling and optimization of steam methane reforming: From CFD simulation to machine learning - Driven optimization 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.11.352 Journal
Development of governing equations for mixing shocks in two-phase flows 10.1007/s00193-023-01140-7 Journal
Entropy Generation and Exergy Assessment of Methane-Nitrous Oxide Diffusion Flames in a Triple-Port Burner 10.1155/2023/5364917 Journal
Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Chemical Species and Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms on Laminar Premixed Flame-Acoustic Wave Interactions # Journal
Numerical study of gas leakage from a pipeline and its concentration evaluation based on modern and practical leak detection methods # Journal
Conceptualizing and evaluating a novel method to reduce gasoline-powered vehicles' cold-start emissions 10.1016/j.trd.2022.103444 Journal
Cold-start emission reduction of the gasoline-powered vehicle utilizing a novel method 10.1177/14680874221100816 Journal
Development of an Air/Fuel Premixer for a Gas-Fueled Two-Layer Porous Media Burner 10.1080/00102202.2022.2086801 Journal
Heat transfer in BCC lattice materials: Conduction, convection, and radiation 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.115159 Journal
Experimental investigation of premixed combustion and thermal efficiency in a porous heating burner 10.1002/er.5880 Journal
شبيه سازي كامپيوتري فرسايش زانويي با جوش محيطي در جريان دوفازي گازجامد # Journal
Experimental study and numerical simulation of thermal hydraulic characteristics of a finned oval tube at different fin configurations # Journal
بررسي تأثير زاويه تزريق گاز بر عملكرد پيش مخلوط كن سوخت و هوا با استفاده از شبيه سازي عددي # Journal
Numerical Simulation of Gas/Solid Heat Transfer in Metallic Foams: A General Correlation for Different Porosities and Pore Sizes 10.1007/s11242-018-1208-x Journal
Effect of Operational Parameters on Combustion and Emissions in an Industrial Gas Turbine Combustor # Journal
An experimental study of stable and unstable operation range in a two-layer porous burner 10.1007/s00231-018-02541-6 Journal
شبيه سازي احتراق مدفون در محيط متخلخل به روش FGM # Journal
Numerical and analytical simulation of the production process of ZrO2 hollow particles 10.1140/epjp/i2017-11768-1 Journal
مقايسه عددي برخورد يك قطره توخالي مذاب و يك قطره توخالي نيمه مذاب به سطح # Journal
Application of Compressible Volume of Fluid Model in Simulating the Impact and Solidification of Hollow Spherical ZrO2 Droplet on a Surface 10.1007/s11666-017-0632-8 Journal