Experimental and numerical investigations on wave propagation in planar frames and trusses with shear deformable elements: Introduction of a fast numerical method using degrees of freedom just at joints |
10.1016/j.istruc.2024.107599 |
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PINN-based forward and inverse bending analysis of nanobeams on a three-parameter nonlinear elastic foundation including hardening and softening effect using nonlocal elasticity theory |
10.1007/s00366-024-01985-1 |
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Numerical Solution of Hydrodynamic Efficiency Equations for an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Using the Method of Fundamental Solutions |
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The dynamic analysis of axisymmetric bodies with damping effects using the modified radial integration boundary elements method (MRIBEM) |
10.1016/j.enganabound.2023.08.014 |
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مروري بر روش هاي محاسبه انتگرال هاي درون دامنه در روش المان هاي مرزي |
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A fast boundary node method for transient scalar waves in domains with localized inhomogeneities |
10.1007/s00366-023-01806-x |
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The solution of elastodynamic problems using modified radial integration boundary element method (MRIBEM) |
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Numerical solution of water wave propagation problems over variable bathymetries using the modified radial integration boundary element method |
10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111613 |
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Implementation of time-weighted residual method for simulation of flexural waves in multi-span Timoshenko beams subjected to various types of external loads: from stationary loads to accelerating moving masses |
10.1007/s00419-021-02103-z |
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Wave propagation in two dimensional structures: An efficient solution method in time domain using exponential basis functions |
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An efficient time-space formulation for dynamic transient analyses: application to the beam assemblies subjected to moving loads and masses |
10.1016/j.apm.2020.11.037 |
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بررسي پاسخ ديناميكي تيرهاي تك و چند دهانه تحت تحريك پايه به روش باقي مانده وزني زماني |
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استفاده از روش باقيمانده وزني زماني در حل ارتعاش اجباري تير تيموشنكو تحت اثر بار متحرك |
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Numerical solution of scalar wave equation by the modified radial integration boundary element method |
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Stability analysis of the thin plates with arbitrary shapes subjected to non-uniform stress fields using boundary element and radial integration methods |
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A robust time-space formulation for large-scale scalar wave problems using exponential basis functions |
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Free vibration and buckling analysis of thin plates subjected to high gradients stresses using the combination of finite strip and boundary element methods |
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Dynamic response of the Levy-type plates to arbitrary linear-trajectory moving loads using dynamic Greens functions |
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An Analytical Time Domain Solution for the Forced Vibration Analysis of Thick-Walled Cylinders |
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Inverse identification of time-harmonic loads acting on thin plates using approximated Green s functions |
10.1080/17415977.2015.1124430 |
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