Simulation and theory for wiring compaction of robot skin tactile sensor by frequency-selective triboelectric-piezoelectric filters |
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Dynamic stability of smart sandwich nanotubes based on modified couple stress theory using differential quadrature method (DQM) |
10.1007/s00707-023-03654-8 |
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Conformational dynamics and mechanical properties of biomimetic RNA, DNA, and RNA-DNA hybrid nanotubes: an atomistic molecular dynamics study |
10.1039/d3cp01028g |
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Deep drawing of a thin hemispherical cup using a novel die without a blank holder: experimental and numerical investigations |
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Vibration and damping analysis of smart sandwich nanotubes using surface-visco-piezo-elasticity theory for various boundary conditions |
10.1016/j.enganabound.2021.11.022 |
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An Analytical Solution to the Problem of Thin-walled Pressure Vessel with Circular-arc Cross-section |
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Surface and small scale effects on the dynamic buckling of carbon nanotubes with smart layers assuming structural damping |
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Nonlinear Thermohyperviscoelastic Constitutive Model for Soft Materials with Strain Rate and Temperature Dependency |
10.1142/S1758825120500593 |
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Developing a deformable model of liver tumor during breathing to improve targeting accuracy in image-guided therapy using finite element simulation |
10.24200/sci.2019.51926.2427 |
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A New Viscous Potential Function for Developing the Viscohyperelastic Constitutive Model for Bovine Liver Tissue: Continuum Formulation and Finite Element Implementation |
10.1142/S1758825120500295 |
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Proposing a new nonlinear hyperviscoelastic constitutive model to describe uniaxial compression behavior and dependence of stress-relaxation response on strain levels for isotropic tissue-equivalent material |
10.24200/sci.2018.50235.1592 |
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A visco-hyperelastic constitutive model of short- and long-term viscous effects on isotropic soft tissues |
10.1177/0954406219875771 |
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تعيين نمودار تنش حد شكل دهي آلياژ آلومينيوم¬5083 به وسيله ي نمونه ي صليبي |
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Determining biaxial tensile stresses by fracture cruciform specimen at different temperatures and strain rates for Ti-6Al-4V alloy |
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مطالعة تحليلي فشار مجاز در شكلدهي بيلوزهاي فلزي به روش هيدروفرمينگ |
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Shape- Dependent Term Investigation of Khan- Liu Yield/ Fracture Criterion as a Function of Plastic Strain for Anisotropic Metals |
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Investigation into tensile strength of noncrimp three-dimensional orthogonal woven structure |
10.1177/1528083718775980 |
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بررسي آزمايشگاهي و عددي شكست آلياژ آلومينيوم 5083 به وسيله نمونه صليبي تحت بارگذاري دومحوره |
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ارائه الگوي گل مناسب براي شكلدهي غلتكي سرد مقطع كلاهي شكل |
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مطالع تحليلي و عددي رفتار مكانيكي بافت كبد در بارگذاري فشار تكمحوره |
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