Formal Specification, Verification and Repair of Contiki's Scheduler
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An efficient deep learning framework for P300 evoked related potential detection in EEG signal
10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.107324 |
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Supervised Anomaly detection by Convolutional sparse representation
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A level-set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation with application to breast thermography images
10.1049/ipr2.12116 |
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Extending contour level set model for multi-class image segmentation with Application to Breast Thermography Images
10.1016/j.infrared.2019.103174 |
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Directional SUSAN image boundary detection of breast thermogram
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Extended hidden Markov model for Optimized Segmentation of Breast Thermography Images
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Enhancing Multi-view Mammography Image Classification: By using Breast Region Extraction Method and Statistical Features
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P300 Evoked Related Potential Detection Based on Integration of Modified HOG and Convolutional Neural Networks
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A Promela Model for Contikis Scheduler
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كشف الگوهاي مكرر يادگيرندگان در يك محيط يادگيري مشاركتي پويا ايجاد شده براساس نظريه بازي
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تشخيص نفوذ در شبكه حسگر بيسيم به كمك سيستم استنتاج فازي تنظيم شده با كلوني مورچگان
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