
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Starch biocomposites preparation by incorporating organosolv lignins from potato crop residues # Journal
بررسي اثر زيرلايه حمايت كننده بر عملكرد تراوش تبخيري غشاهاي شبكه مركب حمايت شده براي جداسازي آب و ايزوپروپانول # Journal
Gas permeation through polyethylene glycol/polytetramethylene glycol based polyurethane-silica mixed matrix membranes and interfacial morphology study via modeling approach 10.1002/app.53831 Journal
Experimental and economic evaluation of nitrate removal by a nanofiltration membrane # Journal
Efficient Chemical Coagulation-Electrocoagulation-Membrane Filtration Integrated Systems for Baker's Yeast Wastewater Treatment: Experimental and Economic Evaluation # Journal
Valorization of cheese whey to eco-friendly food packaging and biomethane via a biorefinery # Journal
A 3D CFD model of novel flow channel designs based on the serpentine and the parallel design for performance enhancement of PEMFC 10.1016/ Journal
Hydrophobic Ag-Containing Polyoctylmethylsiloxane-Based Membranes for Ethylene/Ethane Separation in Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor # Journal
Comparative assessment of hydrocarbon separation performance of bulky poly (urethane-urea)s toward rubbery membranes 10.1016/j.jngse.2021.104356 Journal
A comprehensive modeling approach for determining the role and nature of interfacial morphology in mixed matrix membranes # Journal
Evaluation of dynamic behavior of hydrophilic and photocatalytic self-cleaning PES nanofiltration membrane post treating biologically treated palm oil mill effluent (POME) # Journal
Stepwise surface modification of mesoporous silica and its use in poly(urethane-urea) composite films 10.1002/pi.6290 Journal
Stable waterborne epoxy emulsions and the effect of siproperties 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2021.106250 Journal
Stable waterborne epoxy emulsions and the effect of silica nanoparticles on their coatings properties # Journal
PVA-based Pervaporation Membranes for Separation of Water-Alcohol Solutions # Journal
Influence of solvent, Lewis acid-base complex, and nanoparticles on the morphology and gas separation properties of polysulfone membranes # Journal
Non-covalently-functionalized CNTs incorporating poly(vinyl alcohol) mixed matrix membranes for pervaporation separation of water-isopropanol mixtures # Journal
Gas separation through polyurethane-ZnO mixed matrix membranes and mathematical modeling of the interfacial morphology # Journal
Determination of maximum possible contribution of porous particles in gas transport properties of their corresponding mixed matrix membranes # Journal
Design and optimization of a hybrid process based on hollow-fiber membrane/coagulation for wastewater treatment # Journal