
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Mechanical and microstructural properties of biogenic CaCO3 deposition (MICP) on a specific volcanic sediment (unwelded Tuffs) by Bacillus pasteurii and Bacillus subtilis 10.1016/j.istruc.2024.106915 Journal
An experimental study on the bending fatigue behavior of concrete beams by a proposed machine 10.1080/15397734.2024.2335214 Journal
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Stone Arch Bridges by Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Using Discrete Element Method 10.1080/15583058.2022.2071182 Journal
Biomediated Conservation of Unwelded Ignimbrites in Kandovan, Iran # Journal
Control of frost effects in susceptible soils using a novel sandwich geocomposite composed of geotextile-soil-nano silica aerogel-geotextile liners # Journal
Investigation of the effect of the discontinuity direction on fluid flow in porous rock masses on a large-scale using hybrid FVM-DFN and streamline simulation # Journal
Application of the Taguchi Method to Enhance Bearing Capacity in Geotechnical Engineering: Case Studies # Journal
New Viscoplastic Bounding Surface Subloading Model for Time-Dependent Behavior of Sands 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001979 Journal
Mitigating the impact of the static and cyclic loading on loose coastal saturated sands utilizing a waterproof and super-fast curing polymer # Journal
Obtaining the strength parameters of concrete using drilling data 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102181 Journal
Study of the effect of drill bits hardness, drilling machine operating parameters and rock mechanical parameters on noise level in hard rock drilling process # Journal
A new viscoplastic bounding surface subloading model for time dependent behavior of sands # Journal
Static and dynamic analysis on slope stability using a DFN-DEM approach on the right abutment of the Karun 4 dam # Journal
Variable Amplitude Fatigue Life Prediction of Rock Samples Under Completely Reversed Loading # Journal
An investigation on the axial response and material efficiency of tapered helical piles # Journal
Optimization of frustum confining vessels using different boundary and interface conditions # Journal
Investigation of wear resistance of drill bits with WC, Diamond-DLC, and TiAlSi coatings with respect to mechanical properties of rock # Journal
Fracture mechanism simulation of inhomogeneous anisotropic rocks by extended finite element method # Journal
Investigating the deformability of grouted rock mass under static and dynamic loading conditions # Journal
A unified elasto-plastic constitutive model for sandy and clayey soils accounting for at-rest condition 10.1080/19386362.2019.1651566 Journal