
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
CWBCM method to determine the importance of classification performance evaluation criteria in machine learning: Case studies of COVID-19, Diabetes, and Thyroid Disease NULL 1403 06 Journal
An evolutionary game-theoretic approach for analysis of green innovation and environmental performance of tech firms under stakeholders' policies based on system dynamics NULL 1402 12 Journal
A game-theoretic approach for pricing in a dual-channel socially responsible closed-loop supply chain under reward-penalty mechanism NULL 1402 11 Journal
An evolutionary game-theoretic approach for investigating the long-term behavior of the industry sector for purchasing renewable and non-renewable energy: A case study of Iran NULL 1402 09 Journal
The effect of green culture and identity on organizational commitment 10.1080/09640568.2023.2273778 1402 08 Journal
تجزيه و تحليل پوياي چالش هاي زيست بوم نوآوري فن آورانه سبز با در نظرگرفتن همكاري شركت-هاي فن آور و استارت آپ ها تحت مداخله دولت NULL 1402 07 Journal
A game-theoretic approach for investigating the competition between energy producers under the energy resilience index: A case study of Iran NULL 1402 05 Journal
Cooperation, coordination, or collaboration? A structured review of buyers' partnerships to support sustainable sourcing in supply chains NULL 1402 03 Journal
A stackelberg differential game theoretic approach for analyzing coordination strategies in a supply chain with retailer's premium store brand NULL 1402 02 Journal
يك رويكرد نظريه بازي براي قيمت گذاري و تعيين ميزان سرمايه گذاري واقعيت مجازي در يك زنجيره تامين با كانال هاي توزيع دوگانه با وجود وب رومينگ و سياست استرداد كالا NULL 1402 01 Journal
Software Compliance Requirements, Factors, and Policies: a Systematic Literature Review NULL 1401 07 Journal
A game-theoretic approach for pricing in a closed-loop supply chain considering product exchange program and a full-refund return policy: a case study of Iran NULL 1401 06 Journal
A hybrid evolutionary game-theoretic and system dynamics approach for analysis of implementation strategies of green technological innovation under government intervention NULL 1401 03 Journal
An evolutionary game-theoretic approach to study the technological transformation of the industrial sector toward renewable electricity procurement: A case study of Iran 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119083 1401 02 Journal
A game-theoretic approach for examining government support strategies and licensing contracts in an electricity supply chain with technology spillover: A case study of Iran NULL 1400 12 Journal
The effect of green organizational culture on organizational commitment: The mediating role of job satisfaction 10.1080/10911359.2022.2029789 1400 12 Journal
A game-theoretic approach to designing an optimal code of conduct program to promote supplier sustainability in a supply chain NULL 1400 10 Journal
Two meta-heuristic algorithms for optimizing a multi-objective supply chain scheduling problem in an identical parallel machines environment NULL 1400 07 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
A Game-Theoretic Approach for Pricing and Determining Virtual Reality Investment and Cybersecurity Level in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain 1401 06 Conference 19th International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON2022)
A Game-Theoretic Approach for Pricing and Determining Quality Levels of Cybersecurity Products Under an Exogenous Information-Sharing Program 1401 06 Conference 19th International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON2022)