
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Evaluating corneal biomechanics using shear wave elastography and finite element modeling: sensitivity analysis and parametric optimization 10.1007/s00161-024-01340-1 Journal
Permanent Deformation of Thermoplastic Polyurethane in the Solid-State Rolling Process 10.1155/adv/8811192 Journal
Effective mechanisms responsible for increased strength and fracture strain of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic/steel hybrid laminates 10.1177/07316844231225343 Journal
طراحي و ساخت ابزار برش آلتراسونيك براي برش كامپوزيت هاي پايه پليمري # Journal
A stochastic approach to estimate intraocular pressure and dynamic corneal responses of the cornea # Journal
Effects of intracorneal ring segments on the biomechanical response of the ectatic cornea to air-puff: A patient-specific numerical analysis # Journal
Oriented polylactic acid/graphene oxide nanocomposites with high mechanical and thermal properties 10.1177/08927057211038625 Journal
Effects of intracorneal ring segments implementation technique and design on corneal biomechanics and keratometry in a personalized computational analysis 10.1038/s41598-021-93821-5 Journal
Stable waterborne epoxy emulsions and the effect of silica nanoparticles on their coatings properties # Journal
Biodegradable performance of PLA stents affected by geometrical parameters: The risk of fracture and fragment separation 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2021.110489 Journal
Biodegradation evaluation of poly (lactic acid) for stent application: Role of mechanical tension and temperature 10.1002/app.50389 Journal
Mechanical, thermal, and structural properties of uniaxially drawn polylactic acid/halloysite nanocomposites 10.1002/app.49134 Journal
Numerical and clinical investigation on the material model of the cornea in Corvis tonometry tests differentiation between hyperelasticity and viscoelasticity 10.1007/s11043-018-9390-3 Journal
Tribological behavior of BK7 optical glass at elevated temperatures 10.1177/1350650118788756 Journal
Morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of extruded injection molded kenaf fiber reinforced polypropylene composites 10.1088/2053-1591/ab2fbd Journal
The effect of packing phase and mold temperature on the directional warpage of spherical lenses using the injection molding process 10.1007/s42452-019-0615-0 Journal
A Simple Numerical Approach to Mimic MyoRing Surgery in Keratoconus Corneas based on Optical Coherence Tomography # Journal
تحليل تنش و آناليز ارتعاشات چرخ بدون باد (توييل) و بررسي تاثير ميزان انحناي پره و سرعت بر ارتعاش چرخ با استفاده از روش اجزاي محدود # Journal
Experimental and simulation studies on the mold replicability in the thermoforming process 10.1515/polyeng-2018-0016 Journal
بررسي تجربي و شبيه سازي اعوجاج پلي آميد 6 بر اساس رفتار ترمومكانيكي بدست آمده از تست كشش تك محوره # Journal