Fine structures roll up in the flow of film boiling at high density ratios |
10.1007/s00707-024-04073-z |
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Simulation of group of droplets evaporation |
10.1016/j.euromechflu.2024.06.005 |
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A numerical study of drop evaporation at high density ratios using Front-Tracking method |
10.1016/j.camwa.2022.12.019 |
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Numerical simulation of film boiling heat transfer in the presence of a uniform electric field using front tracking |
10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2023.104386 |
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A numerical study of suspension of microdroplets in a channel under uniform electric field at finite electric Reynolds numbers, Melcher-Taylor theory revisited |
10.1007/s00419-022-02280-5 |
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A numerical study of heat transfer in saturated nucleate pool boiling process: a new analysis based on the inherent physics |
10.1007/s00707-022-03290-8 |
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Toward the Ultimate Goal on Simulating Multi-Phase Flows, Simulation of Film Boiling at High-Density Ratios |
10.1115/1.4054597 |
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Direct numerical simulation of film boiling on a horizontal periodic surface in three dimensions using front tracking |
10.1063/5.0086726 |
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Three-dimensional numerical simulation of axis-switching and micro-droplet formation in a co-flowing immiscible elliptic jet flow system using front tracking method |
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Three dimensional numerical simulation of drops suspended in a channel under uniform electric field |
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Simulation of Film Boiling Heat Transfer in Complex Geometries using Front Tracking Method |
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شبيه سازي دو بعدي فرآيند جوشش فيلمي روي هندسه هاي پيچيده به روش رديابي جبهه |
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شبيه سازي عددي سه بعدي رفتار قطره و عكس العمل قطره و ديوار در ميدان الكتريكي |
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Drop breakup and drop pair coalescence using front-tracking method in three dimensions |
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Effect of viscosity ratio on the motion of drops flowing on an inclined surface |
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Three-dimensional simulation of microdroplet formation in a co-flowing immiscible fluid system using front tracking method |
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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Deformation of a Single Drop under Uniform Electric Field |
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Application of an Immersed Boundary Treatment in Simulation of Natural Convection Problems with Complex Geometry via the Lattice Boltzmann Method |
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A Ghost Fluid Approach for Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method in Dealing with Heat Flux Boundary Condition in Thermal Problems with Complex Geometries |
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مطالعه عددي ت ثير عدد رينولدز و زاويه شيب سطح بر رفتار قطرات در جريان روي سطح |
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