Dynamic instability analysis of sandwich plates with auxetic honeycomb core and three-phase hybrid composite layers stiffened by curved stiffeners using isogeometric analysis |
10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.117960 |
1403 - 03 |
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PINN-based forward and inverse bending analysis of nanobeams on a three-parameter nonlinear elastic foundation including hardening and softening effect using nonlocal elasticity theory |
10.1007/s00366-024-01985-1 |
1403 - 02 |
Journal |
Free-Vibration, Buckling, and Static Analysis of Sandwich Panels With a Square Honeycomb Core Using a Meshfree Method |
10.1142/S0219455424501773 |
1402 - 08 |
Journal |
تحليل استاتيكي ورق هاي ساندويچي متخلخل با ضخامت متغير با استفاده از روش نوار محدود |
1402 - 07 |
Conference |
سيزدهمين كنگره بين المللي مهندسي عمران |
تحليل استاتيكي و ارتعاش آزاد پنل هاي ساندويچي لانه زنبوري مربعي با استفاده از روش بدون شبكه گالركين |
1401 - 11 |
Conference |
نهمين كنفرانس ملي مصالح و سازه هاي نوين در مهندسي عمران |
Numerical investigation of mechanical properties in spur gears during quenching process |
10.1080/02286203.2023.2170670 |
1401 - 10 |
Journal |
Large-amplitude vibrations of thick cantilevered circular cylindrical shells containing still fluid |
10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2022.103784 |
1401 - 08 |
Journal |
تحليل كمانش و ارتعاش آزاد ورق هاي ساندويچي متخلخل بر اساس تئوري تغيير شكل برشي اصلاح شده با استفاده از روش نوار محدود |
1401 - 02 |
Conference |
سيزدهمين كنگره ملي مهندسي عمران |
A coupled peridynamic and finite strip method for analysis of in-plane behaviors of plates with discontinuities |
10.1007/s00366-022-01665-y |
1401 - 02 |
Journal |
Dynamic instability, free vibration, and buckling analysis of MR fluid sandwich plates with FG face layers using the HSDT-based finite strip method |
10.1080/15397734.2021.1968897 |
1400 - 05 |
Journal |
Free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-elastic plates using a higher-order finite strip method |
1400 - 04 |
Conference |
دوازدهمين كنگره بين المللي مهندسي عمران |
Buckling of FGM plates on elastic foundation based on 2D and quasi-3D shear deformation theories |
1400 - 04 |
Conference |
دوازدهمين كنگره بين المللي مهندسي عمران |
Bending analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates using the refined finite strip method |
10.1177/10996362211020448 |
1400 - 02 |
Journal |
On the use of reproducing kernel particle finite strip method in the static, stability and free vibration analysis of FG plates with different boundary conditions and diverse internal supports |
10.1016/j.apm.2020.11.009 |
1400 - 01 |
Journal |
A nonlinear model of thick shells for large-amplitude vibrations |
10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2021.103668 |
1400 - 01 |
Journal |
Static and dynamic instability analysis of tapered CNTRC sandwich plates under uniform and non-uniform in-plane loadings using spline finite strip method |
10.1016/j.ast.2021.106514 |
1399 - 12 |
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A numerical model coupling phase transformation to predict microstructure evolution and residual stress during quenching of 1045 steel |
10.1016/j.matcom.2020.07.016 |
1399 - 10 |
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Geometrically nonlinear analysis of sandwich FGM and laminated composite degenerated shells using the isogeometric finite strip method |
10.1016/j.cma.2020.113311 |
1399 - 08 |
Journal |
Bubble Complex Finite Strip Method in the Stability and Vibration Analysis of Orthotropic Laminated Composite Plates |
10.1142/S1758825120501069 |
1399 - 07 |
Journal |
تحليل پايداري و استاتيكي ورقهاي نازك ويسكوالاستيك با استفاده از روش تفاضل مربعات تعميم يافته |
1399 - 03 |
Conference |
دوازدهمين كنگره ملي مهندسي عمران |