
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
On the parameterized complexity of Sparsest Cut and Small-Set Expansion problems 10.1016/j.dam.2024.04.014 1403 07 Journal
On the parameterized complexity of the acyclic matching problem 10.1016/j.tcs.2023.113862 1402 02 Journal
The multicolor size-Ramsey numbers of cycles 10.1016/j.jctb.2022.10.003 1401 10 Journal
Multi-way sparsest cut problem on trees with a control on the number of parts and outliers 10.1016/j.dam.2020.11.013 1399 10 Journal
Packing cliques in 3-uniform hypergraphs 10.1002/jcd.21717 1398 12 Journal
On the Size-Ramsey Number of Cycles 10.1017/S0963548319000221 1398 08 Journal
عدد رمزي اندازه اي چند رنگي مسيرها NULL 1398 08 Journal
Size Ramsey Number of Bipartite Graphs and Bipartite Ramanujan Graphs NULL 1398 03 Journal
The spectrum for large sets of (3,lambda)-GDDs of type gu 10.1002/jcd.21631 1397 08 Journal
On a Question of Erdos and Faudree on the Size Ramsey Numbers 10.1137/17M1115022 1397 04 Journal
Edge clique cover of claw-free graphs 10.1002/jgt.22403 1397 04 Journal
Decomposition of complete uniform multi-hypergraphs into Berge paths and cycles 10.1002/jgt.22226 1396 09 Journal
Edge clique covering sum of graphs NULL 1394 12 Journal
Pairwise balanced designs and sigma clique partitions NULL 1394 10 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Structural Graph Parameters and Parameterized Algorithms 1403 02 Conference دوازدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي نظريه گراف و تركيبيات جبري
Parameterized Complexity of Decomposition Problems on Graphs 1402 04 Conference چهارمين كنفرانس بين المللي جبر محاسباتي، نظريه ي محاسباتي اعداد و كاربردها
Expanding Properties of Graphs and its Applications in Ramsey Theory 1400 06 Conference پنجاه و دومين كنفرانس رياضي ايران
سنجش اولويت زوج مبدأ-مقصدهاي مختلف شبكه ي حمل ونقل جهت اشغال ظرفيت محورهاي ريلي، مطالعه ي موردي: شبكه ي ريلي ايران 1400 02 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس بين المللي پيشرفت هاي اخير در مهندسي راه آهن
On the size-Ramsey number of some sparse graphs 1396 05 Conference چهل و هشتمين كنفرانس رياضي ايران
The Structure of Claw-free Graphs and Their Edge Clique Covering 1396 02 Conference IPM Combinatorics and Computing Conference 2017