
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Optimal placement of sensors to enhance degrees of freedom in monostatic collocated mimo radar # Journal
Hardware design and implementation of high-efficiency cube-root of complex numbers 10.1016/j.micpro.2023.104847 Journal
A sequential MUSIC algorithm for scatterers detection in SAR tomography enhanced by a robust covariance estimator 10.1016/j.dsp.2022.103621 Journal
An Efficient Method for Sparse Linear Array Sensor Placement to Achieve Maximum Degrees of Freedom # Journal
Analytical Derivation and Comparison of Alarm Similarity Measures 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.268 Journal
Super-resolving multiple scatterers detection in synthetic aperture radar tomography assisted by correlation information 10.1117/1.JRS.14.034517 Journal
Efficient FPGA Implementation of a Digital Predistorter for Power Amplifier Linearization 10.1007/s00034-020-01423-9 Journal
Optimal energy beamforming under per?antenna power constraint 10.1002/ett.3846 Journal
Direction of arrival estimation with missing data via matrix completion 10.1007/s11760-019-01482-9 Journal
Distributed compressed sensing for despeckling of SAR images # Journal
Designing bike networks using the concept of network clusters 10.1007/s41109-018-0069-0 Journal
Hardware Implementation of Iterative Method With Adaptive Thresholding for Random Sampling Recovery of Sparse Signals 10.1109/TVLSI.2018.2791351 Journal
A Low-Complexity Hardware for Deterministic Compressive Sensing Reconstruction 10.1109/TCSI.2018.2803627 Journal
Employing Antenna Selection to Improve Energy-Efficiency in Massive MIMO Systems # Journal
Eigenvalue Estimation of the Exponentially Windowed Sample Covariance Matrices # Journal
Design and Implementation of Spectrally-Encoded Spread-Time CDMA Transceiver # Journal
Limiting spectral distribution of the sample covariance matrix of the windowed array data # Journal
Source enumeration in large arrays using moments of eigenvalues and relatively few samples # Journal
Using Compressive Sensing Technique in Image Sensing Conference
An Overview: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Techniques for Visible Light Communication Systems Conference