
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Manufacturer's decisions about establishing online selling channel under a two-echelon supply chain: A game-theoretic approach 10.3934/jimo.2023156 Journal
Pricing and ordering decisions of recyclables under a sustainable supply chain management: A game-theoretic approach # Journal
رويكرد نظريه بازي براي تحليل تصميمات قيمتگذاري و تبليغات مشاركتي دو محصول جايگزين تحت زنجيره تأميني شامل دو توليدكننده و دو فروشنده # Journal
Nurse scheduling problem by considering total number of required nurses as well as nurses' preferences for working shifts: An algorithmic game-theoretic approach 10.24200/SCI.2021.56780.4906 Journal
رويكرد نظريه بازي براي انتخاب كانال تأمين مواد اوليه مورد نياز براي توليد يك محصول ساخته شده از مواد بازيافتي # Journal
رويكرد نظريه بازي براي قيمت گذاري يك محصول ساخته شده از ضايعات پلاستيكي # Journal
Energy storage by improving energy-efficiency of electricity home appliances under governmental supporting policies: A game-theoretic approach 10.1016/j.est.2023.106972 Journal
Producing two substitutable products under a supply chain including two manufacturers and one retailer: A game-theoretic approach 10.3934/jimo.2022102 Journal
Investigating environmental and economic aspects of sustainability by recycling PET plastic bottles: A game-theoretic approach 10.1007/s10098-021-02216-7 Journal
A mathematical programming model for single round-robin tournament problem: A case study of Volleyball Nations League 10.22094/joie.2022.1891205.1721 Journal
Effects of governmental policies on energy-efficiency improvement of hydrogen fuel cell cars: A game-theoretic approach 10.1016/ Journal
Distribution network reconfiguration for minimizing impact of wind power curtailment on the network losses: A two?stage stochastic optimization algorithm 10.1002/ese3.1278 Journal
Energy supply chain empowerment through tradable green and white certificates: A pathway to sustainable energy generation 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119601 Journal
تصميمات قيمتگذاري و خدمات خرده فروشي در زنجيره تأميني شامل يك توليدكننده و يك خرده فروش با استفاده از رويكرد نظريه بازي # Journal
Nurse scheduling problem by considering fuzzy modeling approach to treat uncertainty on nurses' preferences for working shifts and weekends off # Journal
بررسي تأثير عدم قطعيت در مسئله ي زمان بندي شيفت هاي كاري پرستاران با استفاده از رويكرد مدل سازي فازي # Journal
Game theoretical approach to price a product under two-echelon supply chain containing e-tail selling channel # Journal
ارايه يك مدل فازي براي مسأله زمانبندي شيفتهاي كاري پرستاران # Journal
Sustainable development by reusing of recyclables in a textile industry including two collectors and three firms: A game-theoretic approach for pricing decisions 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.222 Journal
Pricing decisions in dual-channel supply chain with one manufacturer and multiple retailers: A game-theoretic approach 10.1051/ro/2017003 Journal