Optimal redundancy allocation in coherent systems with heterogeneous dependent components |
10.1017/jpr.2022.12 |
1401 - 09 |
Journal |
Comparing residual lifetimes and inactivity times of dependent random variables |
10.1080/03610926.2022.2070764 |
1401 - 02 |
Journal |
Reliability analysis and optimal replacement for a <i>k</i>-out-of-<i>n</i> system under a ?-shock model |
10.1177/1748006X221082762 |
1400 - 12 |
Journal |
Some reliability measures and maintenance policies for a coherent system composed of different types of components |
10.1007/s00184-022-00862-5 |
1400 - 12 |
Journal |
Stochastic Comparisons Between Coherent Systems with Active Redundancies Under Proportional Hazards and Reversed Hazards Models |
10.1142/S0218539321500078 |
1399 - 11 |
Journal |
On Component Redundancy Versus System Redundancy for a System Composed of Different Types of Components |
1399 - 05 |
Conference |
ششمين سمينار تخصصي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن |
On stochastic comparisons of coherent systems with two different types of components |
10.1080/03610926.2020.1792496 |
1399 - 04 |
Journal |
10.1017/S0269964820000078 |
1398 - 12 |
Journal |
Allocation policy of redundancies in two-parallel-series system with randomized components |
1398 - 01 |
Conference |
پنجمين سمينار ملي تخصصي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن |
Reliability Estimation of a Parallel Load- Sharing System Model |
1397 - 02 |
Conference |
Regression analysis of clustered interval-censored failure time data with the proportional hazards model |
1397 - 02 |
Conference |
چهارمين سمينار ملي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن |
استخراج مدلي براي تخصيص و ارتقا قابليت اطمينان سيستم الكترونيك هواپايه با رويكرد توليد نمونه تحقيقاتي استاندارد |
1397 - 02 |
Conference |
On the coherent systems with two different types of dependent components |
1397 - 02 |
Conference |
چهارمين سمينار ملي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن |
Stochastic comparisons of series systems with independent heterogeneous components |
1396 - 02 |
Conference |
سومين سمينار تخصصي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن |
Coherent systems with heterogeneous components |
1396 - 02 |
Conference |
سومين سمينار تخصصي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن |
Stochastic and ageing properties of coherent systems with dependent identically distributed components |
10.1007/s00362-016-0850-z |
1395 - 08 |
Journal |
Bayesian estimation for component distribution from system lifetime data |
1395 - 02 |
Conference |
دومين سمينار تخصصي قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن |
Residual lifetime of coherent system with dependent identically distributed components |
1394 - 03 |
Conference |
نخستين سمينار تخصصي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن |
New Developments on Stochastic Properties of Coherent Systems |
1394 - 02 |
Journal |
Stochastic Properties of Components in a Used Coherent System |
1393 - 06 |
Journal |