Mixed-Mode Fracture Behavior of a Marble Exposed to Acidic Environments |
10.1007/s00603-024-04354-y |
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پيش بيني پايداري پايه با استفاده از الگوريتم برنامه نويسي بيان ژن در معادن كارگاه و پايه |
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Aggregate size effects on fracture behavior of concrete SCB specimens |
10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.131628 |
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A Decision Tree for Rockburst Conditions Prediction |
10.3390/app13116655 |
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Investigating the effect of material stiffness contrast on the dynamic stability of upstream tailings dams Case study: Esfordi tailings dam) |
10.22034/anm.2022.2782 |
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Significance of three-dimensional analyses on static and seismic stability analyses of fractured open-pit mine slopes |
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Significance of three-dimensional analyses on static and seismic stability analyses of fractured open-pit mine slopes |
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Influence of thermal treatment on behavior of stress-lateral strain curve in crystalline marble rock using experimental and numerical modeling |
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A New Rock-Bolting Pattern Proposed for Tabas Fully Mechanized Mine Using Field Instrumentation and Numerical Modelling |
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Spacing and block volume estimation in discontinuous rock masses using image processing technique: a case study |
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Estimating uniaxial compressive strength of carbonate building stones based on some intact stone properties after deterioration by freeze-thaw |
10.1007/s12665-021-09658-8 |
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ارتباط بين شاخص سختي اشميت و سرعت موج فشاري با مقاومت فشاري تك محوري سنگ هاي ساختماني كربناته |
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ارزيابي دوام طولاني مدت سنگ هاي ساختماني كربناته بعد از چرخه هاي ذوب و انجماد با استفاده از روش CART |
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Determination of P-wave Velocity of Carbonate Building Stones During Freeze-Thaw Cycles |
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The effects of temperature on mechanical properties of rocks |
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Evaluation and Optimization of the Effective Parameters on the Shield TBM Performance: Torque and ThrustUsing Discrete Element Method (DEM) |
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بررسي آزمايشگاهي تأثير مشبك كاري بر شكست هيدروليكي، تحت شرايط تنش سه محوره با استفاده از مدلسازي فيزيكي |
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Experimental investigations of fracture toughness and crack initiation in marble under different freezing and thermal cyclic loading |
10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.05.196 |
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Source analysis of acoustic emissions during granite strain burst |
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Investigating allowable distance between powerhouse and transformer caverns to prevent buckling phenomenon using numerical and analytical methods (case study Bakhtiary dam and HPP) |
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