
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
The Role of Nano SiC Whiskers on the Strength and Density of Aluminum Silicate-SiC-C Compounds as a Reinforced Steelmaking Refractory # Journal
Effects of Ferrosilicon Addition and Formation of Insitu SiC Nano-whiskers on MgO-C Refractories # Journal
Comparison of microstructure toughness mechanical properties and work hardening of titanium/TiO 2 and titanium/SiC composites manufactured by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process 10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.03.072 Journal
Versatile theranostics agents designed by coating ferrite nanoparticles with biocompatible polymers # Journal
The role of surface energy reducing agent in the formation of self-induced nanoscale surface features and wetting behavior of polyurethane coatings # Journal
Hydrothermal synthesis of fine stabilized superparamagnetic nanoparticles of Zn2 substituted manganese ferrite # Journal
Effects of Curing Condition on the Surface Characteristics of Two-pack Polyurethane Coatings Containing Low Surface Energy Additive # Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan Coated Manganese Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles as MRI Contrast Agents # Journal
مطالعه نقش افزودني كاهنده انرژي سطحي در ايجاد الگوي زبري و رفتار ترشوندگي پوشش پلي اورتاني # Journal
تاثير درصد كربن در رفتار سايشي پوشش هاي فروكروم ايجاد شده به ر وش پاشش پلاسمايي # Journal
Synthesis and dissolution behavior of nanosized silicon and magnesium co-doped fluorapatite obtained by high energy ball milling # Journal
A study on mechanical and physical properties of monocalcium aluminate cement reinforced with nano-SiO2 particles # Journal
Synthesis of the CaAl2O4 nanoceramic compound using high-energy ball milling with subsequent annealing # Journal
سنتز و ارزيابي رفتار ضدباكتريايي نانوذرات تيتانيا دوپ شده با نقره به عنوان يك افزودني ضدباكتريايي به مواد دنداني # Journal
Determination of crystallite Size in snthetic and natural hydroxyapatite A comparison between XRD and TEM results # Journal
The Effect of Adding TiO2 Nanoparticles on Dental Amalgam Properties # Journal
The Effect of Crystallinity of Carbon Source on Mechanically Activated Carbothermic Synthesis of Nano-Sized SiC Powders # Journal
Rapid carbothermic synthesis of silicon carbide nano powders by using microwave heating # Journal
Preparation chemistry and physical properties of bone-derived hydroxyapatite particles having a negative zeta potential # Journal
Cytotoxicity Evaluation of 63S Bioactive Glass and Bone-derived Hydroxyapatite Particles Using Human Bone-Marrow Stem Cells # Journal