
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
تاثير زمان بر اتصال فاز مايع گذراي آلياژ تيتانيوم Ti-6242 توليد شده به روش ذوب پرتوي الكتروني به فولاد زنگ نزن 316L # Journal
Characterization of Microstructure-Mechanical Properties Relationship in Dissimilar Resistance Spot Welding of the Advanced High-Strength Steel DP590 Steel to the Interstitial-Free Steel DC 06: EBSD Study 10.1007/s11665-024-09830-8 Journal
Synergic effects of scanning pattern and heat treatment on the microstructure-hot tensile behavior relationships of powder bed fusion-laser beam manufactured Hastelloy X 10.1007/s10853-024-09612-6 Journal
ارزيابي اتصال غيرهمجنس آلومينا به مس با فلزپركننده فعال Sn-Ti-Cu-Ag و Zr-%3.5Sn-Ti-Cu-Ag به روش لحيم كاري سخت القايي # Journal
Characterization of the microstructure, texture, and tensile behavior of additively manufactured Hastelloy X superalloy: Insights into heat treatment at 900 °C 10.1016/j.matchar.2024.113671 Journal
Additive manufacturing of a novel in-situ alloyed AISI316L-Cu stainless steel: Microstructure and antibacterial properties 10.1016/j.matlet.2023.135363 Journal
The impact of welding heat input on microstructure, micro-texture, and mechanical properties of stir zone in friction stir welded DP600 steel # Journal
Effects of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding Time on Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties During Bonding of Inconel 617/AISI 310 Stainless Steel # Journal
Transient Liquid Phase Bonding of Ti-6Al-4V/UN32750 Stainless Steel Using Cu and Cu-0.5 wt.% Carbon Nanotube Composite Interlayers 10.1007/s11665-023-08495-z Journal
ارزيابي ريزساختار و خواص مكانيكي اتصال غيرمشابه سوپر آلياژ اينكونل 718 به فولاد زنگ نزن آستنيتي316 # Journal
Evaluation of Short-Term Oxidation Mechanism of Laser Cladded Ni-Cr-C Coating on Titanium Aluminide Substrate 10.1007/s11085-023-10154-6 Journal
Microstructure and hot tensile behavior of Hastelloy X superalloy laser powder-bed fusion-fabricated through different scanning patterns 10.1016/j.msea.2023.144717 Journal
Microstructure-electrochemical behavior relationship in post processed AISI316L stainless steel parts fabricated by laser powder bed fusion # Journal
The effects of filler metal and butter layer on the microstructure and mechanical properties of API 5L X65/AISI 304L joint 10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.02.063 Journal
Tribological behavior of Ni-Nb amorphous coating fabricated by mechanical alloying method # Journal
EBSD Characterization of Microstructure and Micro-texture in a Friction Stir-Welded DP600 Steel # Journal
Preventing molten copper penetration to steel grain boundaries during cladding through optimizing GTAW parameters and ferrite band formation 10.1007/s10853-022-07922-1 Journal
Effect of processing parameters on the cyclic behaviour of aluminium friction stir welded to spark plasma sintered aluminium matrix composites with bimodal micro-and nano-sized reinforcing alumina particles # Journal
تاثير زمان اتصال بر ريزساختار و خواص مكانيكي در طي اتصال فاز مايع گذرا سوپر آلياژ پايه نيكل Hastelloy C276 و فولاد زنگ نزن AISI316 # Journal
Fabrication of a novel magnetic high entropy alloy with desirable mechanical properties by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering # Journal