Comparison of enhanced neural network and response surface models in predicting bio-dissolution of aluminum and vanadium from bauxite residue by isolated Aspergillus niger strains |
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مروري بر بيوفلوتاسيون و بيوفلوكولاسين كاني گالن |
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Effect of Critical Variables on Air Dense Medium Fluidized Bed Coal Drying Efficiency and Kinetics |
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امكانسنجي بهبود كيفيت فلدسپاتهاي استان اصفهان به منظور استفاده در صنايع كاشي و سراميك |
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Evaluation of the Performance of Air Dense Medium Fluidized Bed (ADMFB) for Low-Ash Coal Beneficiation. Part 2: Characteristics of the Beneficiated Coal |
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