Effect of a vehicle's mobility on SNR and SINR in vehicular optical camera communication systems |
1402 - 12 |
Journal |
On the Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-off of Hybrid Diamond Relay Channels |
10.1016/j.phycom.2023.102130 |
1402 - 07 |
Journal |
استفاده از ساختار PS-EOM-PS در سيستم هاي BB84 باز ه ي زماني |
1402 - 07 |
Conference |
جهارمين كنفرانس ملي اطلاعات و محاسبات كوانتومي |
طرح هاي پياده سازي مختلف در الگوريتم BB84 بازه ي زماني |
1402 - 03 |
Conference |
دومين همايش ملي فناوري هاي نوظهور كوانتمي |
Resource Allocation in a MIMO Full-Duplex Relay Network With Imperfect CSI and Energy Harvesting |
10.1109/JSYST.2021.3119765 |
1401 - 06 |
Journal |
Investigating the effect of turbulence on IPI in a vehicular OCC system using PSF analysis |
1401 - 05 |
Journal |
طراحي و ساخت يك سيستم مخابرات نور مرئي مبتني بر دوربين |
1401 - 02 |
Conference |
30مين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي برق |
Joint User Association and UAV Location Optimization for Two-Tired Visible Light Communication Networks |
1401 - 02 |
Conference |
30مين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي برق |
An Overview: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Techniques for Visible Light Communication Systems |
1401 - 02 |
Conference |
2022 4th West Asian Symposium on Optical and Millimeter-wave Wireless Communications (WASOWC) |
Large Scale Indoor VLC Positioning Using Image Sensor with Limited Field of View |
1400 - 02 |
Conference |
29th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) |
Energy efficiency optimization for amplify and forward relay networks with channel estimation errors |
1400 - 01 |
Journal |
Resource Allocation for mmWave-NOMA Communication through Multiple Access Points Considering Human Blockages |
1399 - 12 |
Journal |
تحليل عملكرد شبكه هاي راديو شناختمند مشاركتي با قابليت برداشت انرژي |
1398 - 10 |
Journal |
Optimal energy beamforming under per?antenna power constraint |
10.1002/ett.3846 |
1398 - 08 |
Journal |
Multirate Packet Delivery In Heterogeneous Broadcast Networks |
1398 - 07 |
Journal |
Performance analysis of Angle Diversity Receivers using Specular Reflections Model |
1397 - 02 |
Conference |
First West Asian Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications |
Epidemic Forecasting Framework Combining Agent-Based Models and Smart Beam Particle Filtering |
1396 - 08 |
Conference |
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2017) |
طراحي مدل بسط پايه اي براي تخمين كانال هاي دوگانه گزين تنك به كمك فراگيري واژه نامه |
1396 - 04 |
Journal |
CFO Estimation in GFDM Systems Using Extended Kalman Filter |
1396 - 02 |
Conference |
بيست وپنجمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران |
A Transmit Diversity Technique for Space Shift Keying Modulation |
1396 - 02 |
Conference |
بيست وپنجمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران |