
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
3XL monopile lowering analysis: A comprehensive study 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.118895 Journal
Accelerated White Etch Cracking (WEC) FE8 type tests of different bearing steels using ceramic rollers 10.1016/j.wear.2021.204230 Journal
FE8 type laboratory testing of white etching crack (WEC) bearing failure mode in 100Cr6 10.1016/j.wear.2019.202962 Journal
Computational Elucidation of Elastic Percolation Threshold in Isotropic and Anisotropic Microstructures with Voronoi Tessellation 10.1142/S1758825119500297 Journal
Assessment of different methods for fatigue life prediction of steel in rotating bending and axial loading # Journal
Cathodic Protection Problems for Gas Pipelines South of Isfahan IRAN # Journal
Performance Improvement of a Wind Turbine Blade using a Developed Inverse Design Method # Journal
A Review on Recent Applications of Brushless DC Electric Machines and Their Potential Energy Saving # Journal
A Review on Fatigue Design of Heavy Section EN-GJS-400-18-LT Ductile Iron Wind Turbine Castings # Journal
Damage tolerant design of cast components based on defects detected by 3D X-ray computed tomography # Journal
Casting defects and fatigue behaviour of ductile cast iron for wind turbine components A comprehensive study # Journal
Fatigue life distribution and size effect in ductile cast iron for wind turbine components # Journal
Large scale axial fatigue testing of ductile cast iron for heavy section wind turbine components # Journal
Fatigue Crack Growth Simulation in Components with Random Defects # Journal
Flange waviness effect on 3XL monopile wall stresses during impact driving Conference
مقايسه نظريه هاي مختلف براي پيش بيني شكست خستگي نمونه هاي فاقدار فولادCK45 # Journal
بررسي اثرفاق برعمر خستگي نمونه هاي استوانه اي فولادHSLA100 دربارگذاري خمشي چرخان باروش تجربي و نظريه ضعيف ترعضو # Journal
پيش بيني عمر خستگي اتصالات لوله هاي مورد استفاده در چاه هاي نفت Conference
مقايسه روش هاي مختلف براي پيش بيني عمر خستگي نمونه هاي فاقدار فولادي Conference
شبيه سازي سه بعدي توليد ماسه درچاه نفت با بكارگيري مدل فرسايش درسنگ Conference