
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Genetic analysis of productive life length in Holstein dairy cows using Weibull proportional risk model # Journal
تاثير شاخص دما - رطوبت در دو فصل تابستان و زمستان بر عملكرد برخي از ويژگي هاي توليد مثلي گاوهاي شيرده پرتوليد # Journal
Genetic analysis of postnatal mortality and calving traits in Iranian Holstein herds using threshold-linear models # Journal
Effect of polymorphisms in the ABCG2 LEPR and SCD1 genes on milk production traits in Holstein cows # Journal
Single nucleotide polymorphism of the lactoferrin gene and its association with milk production and reproduction traits in Iranian Holstein cattle # Journal
Metabolizable energy and crude protein requirements of two quail species (Coturnix japonica and Coturnix ypsilophorus) # Journal
Association of LEPR gene Polymorphism with milk yield and age at first calving in the Iranian Holstein dairy cows # Journal
The interfering effects of superovulation and vitrification upon some important epigenetic biomarkers in mouse blastocyst # Journal
Influence of the Bovine Acyl-CoA Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase1 (DGAT1) K232A on Milk Production and Somatic Cell Score Holstein Cows # Journal
Rates of Inbreeding and Genetic Diversity in Iranian Holstein Cattle # Journal
Estimation of Genetic and Phonotypic Trends for Age at First Calving Calving Interval Days Open and Number of Insemination to conception for Isfahan Holstein Cows # Journal
Effect of LEPR ABCG2 and SCD1 Gene Polymorphisms on Reproductive Traits in the Iranian Holstein Cattle # Journal
بررسي تنو ع ژنتيكي گاوهاي هلشتاين ايران با استفاده از اط لاعات شجره اي # Journal
Association of polymorphism in the alpha-1-antitrypsin gene with milk production traits in Holstein dairy cows # Journal
بررسي اثر برخي عوامل موثر بر تلفات گوساله هاي ماده و تليسه ها در سنين مختلف بين تولد تا اولين زايش # Journal
Association of polymorphism in Exon 3 of toll-like receptor 4 gene with somatic cell score and milk production traits in Holstein dairy cows of Iran # Journal
بيان ژن سي جي آر پي در كبد گاو و بررسي تنوع ان بين گونه هاي مختلف جانوري # Journal
Association of a polymorphism in the 3 untranslated region of the OLR1 gene with milk fat and protein in dairy cows # Journal
Cytologic and histologic characteristics of endometritis in postpartum dairy cows # Journal
تاثير برخي مكمل هاي معدني ويتاميني بر كميت و كيفيت توليد شير و كيفيت آغوز گاوهاي پرتوليد هلشتاين در فصل تابستان # Journal