Experimental investigation of the effects of oil asphaltene content on CO2 foam stability in the presence of nanoparticles and sodium dodecyl sulfate |
10.1016/S1876-3804(24)60020-0 |
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Investigating the potential of microbial enhanced oil recovery in carbonate reservoirs using Bacillus persicus |
10.1016/j.fuel.2022.126757 |
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Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of asphaltene precipitation during pressure depletion and gas injection at HPHT conditions in live oil using PC-SAFT EoS |
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Experimental and modeling study of enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs with smart water and surfactant injection |
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شبيه سازي و بررسي فرآيند واحد تنظيم نقطه شبنم يك پالايشگاه گازي و استفاده از سيكل سردسازي پروپان به منظور دست يابي به شرايط بهينه عملكرد فرآيند |
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Experimental study of microbial enhanced oil recovery in oil-wet fractured porous media |
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A new generalized equation for estimation of sandstone and carbonate permeability from mercury intrusion porosimetry data |
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مدل سازي ازدياد برداشت مخازن شكاف دار به روش تزريق گاز همراه با ريزش ثقلي و مقايسه با تخليه طبيعي و تزريق مداوم گاز |
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Stabilizing CO2 foams using APTES surface-modified nanosilica: Foamability, foaminess, foam stability, and transport in oil-wet fractured porous media |
10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113043 |
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Parallel implementation of coupled phase equilibrium-mass transfer model Efficient and accurate simulation of fractured reservoirs |
10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103281 |
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Averaging the experimental capillary pressure curves for scaling up to the reservoir condition in the imbibition process |
10.1016/j.petrol.2019.106539 |
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Capillary-dominated two-phase flow modeling in porous media using Starfish |
10.1007/s13202-018-0529-1 |
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Laboratory measurements of slippage and inertial factors in carbonate porous media A case study |
10.1016/j.petrol.2017.10.084 |
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Prediction of asphaltene precipitation during gas injection |
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Influence of surfactant type surfactant concentration and salinity on Interfacial tension of brine/live oil/surfactant fluid system a case study of Iranian Asmari oil reservoir |
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Mixed precision parallel preconditioner and linear solver for compositional reservoir simulation |
10.1007/s10596-014-9421-3 |
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مطالعه آزمايشگاهي ازدياد برداشت ميكروبي با محوريت مسدود سازي انتخابي در يك ميكرومدل شيشه اي |
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بررسي اثر غلظت هاي آسفالتين بر پايداري فوم در حضور نانوذره |
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ارزيابي تاثير پتانسيل زتا بر پايداري فوم كربندي اكسيد شامل نانو ذره و سورفكتانت |
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بررسي توانايي توليد بيوسورفكتانت توسط باكتري بومي باسيلوس پرسيكوس با رويكرد به كارگيري در فرآيند ازدياد برداشت ميكروبي |
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