
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
توليد همه كدهاي فشرده با محدوديت روي كوچك ترين طول كد # Journal
Improved Upper Bounds on the Average Redundancy of Optimal RVLC # Journal
On the Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-off of Hybrid Diamond Relay Channels 10.1016/j.phycom.2023.102130 Journal
Parameter Tuning of EV Drivers' Charging Behavioral Model using Machine Learning Techniques # Journal
On the Shortest Codeword of the Optimal RVLC # Journal
Improving convergence properties of autonomous demand side management algorithms 10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.108764 Journal
Enhanced compressed sensing autofocus for high-resolution airborne synthetic aperture radar 10.1016/j.dsp.2022.103543 Journal
A New Code for Encoding All Monotone Sources With a Fixed Large Alphabet Size 10.1109/TIT.2020.2965821 Journal
A General Model for EV Drivers' Charging Behavior # Journal
On the Convergence Properties of Autonomous Demand Side Management Algorithms # Journal
Huffman Redundancy for Large Alphabet Sources # Journal
On the Structure of the Minimum Average Redundancy Code for Monotone Sources # Journal
Achieving Optimality and Fairness in Autonomous Demand Response Benchmarks and Billing Mechanisms # Journal
How Suboptimal is the Shannon Code # Journal
A Simple Recursive Shannon Code # Journal
Near-Optimality of the Minimum Average Redundancy Code for Almost All Monotone Sources # Journal
بررسي تأثير رفتار شارژ رانندگان خودروهاي الكتريكي بر وضعيت ازدحام ايستگاه شارژ و پيش بيني ظرفيت آينده Conference
شيوه هاي مدل سازي رفتار رانندگان خودروهاي الكتريكي مبتني بر تحليل داده ها Conference
Billing Mechanism Design in an Autonomous Demand Side Management in a Smart Distribution Network Conference
ترغيب مشتركين به كاهش خطاي پيش بيني مصرف در برنامه هاي مديريت خودگردان سمت تقاضا در شبكه هوشمند Conference