Developing an all-unit quantity discount model with complete and incomplete information: A Bertrand competition framework |
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An integrated production-distribution-routing problem under an unforeseen circumstance within a competitive framework |
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ارائه الگوريتم جستجوي ممنوعه جهت حل مسئله مكانيابي-حمله- حفاظت تسهيلات بحراني در شرايط عدم تقارن اطلاعات |
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A graph-theoretic-based meta-heuristic algorithm for solving cooperative dynamic facility layout problems |
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An arc interdiction vehicle routing problem with information asymmetry |
10.1016/j.cie.2017.11.019 |
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مدل سازي عدم تقارن اطلاعات در مساله حمله به شبكه حمل و نقل مواد |
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An Improved Benders Decomposition Algorithm for an Arc Interdiction Vehicle Routing Problem |
10.1109/TEM.2016.2542849 |
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A bi-level network interdiction model for solving the hazmat routing problem |
10.1080/00207543.2015.1084061 |
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مدلسازي و حل مسئله بالانس خطوط مونتاژ آميخته دو طرفه: موردكاوي بالانس خط مونتاژ يخچال |
Conference |
شناسايي عوامل موثر بر عملكرد استارتاپ هاي حوزه تهيه غذا و رتبه بندي اين استارتاپ ها |
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Optimizing reliability and service parts logistics for a competitive and time-varying installed base |
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A hybrid algorithm for budget constrained dynamic facility layout problem |
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ارائه مدلي دوسطحي براي مساله مكانيابي-حمله- حفاظت تسهيلات در شرايط عدم تقارن اطلاعات |
Conference |
Modeling learning and job similarities in job rotation for Cellular Manufacturing Systems |
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selection-routing problem a case of dairy products supply chain |
Conference |