
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Exploring genotypic variation and gene expression associated to cadmium accumulation in bread wheat 10.1038/s41598-024-78425-z Journal
Intra-canopy LED lighting outperformed top LED lighting in improving tomato yield and expression of the genes responsible for lycopene, phytoene and vitamin C synthesis 10.1038/s41598-024-69210-z Journal
تاثير ال-گلوتامين و نوع محيط كشت بر كشت ريشه مويين زرين گياه (Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss.) # Journal
شناسايي و تجزيه و تحليل miRNAs در گونه هاي مختلف آويشن 10.30473/cb.2023.67947.1908 Journal
Expression of Flowering Repressor Gene CsSVP, Carbohydrates, and Antioxidants Affected by Plant Growth Regulators in Saffron # Journal
Effect of crop load on fruit nutritional and nutraceutical traits of greenhouse tomato # Journal
Identification of genes associated with kernel size in almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] using RNA-Seq 10.1007/s10725-022-00801-4 Journal
Identification and verification of seed development related miRNAs in kernel almond by small RNA sequencing and qPCR 10.1371/journal.pone.0260492 Journal
Far-Red Light-Induced Azolla filiculoides Symbiosis Sexual Reproduction: Responsive Transcripts of Symbiont Nostoc azollae Encode Transporters Whilst Those of the Fern Relate to the Angiosperm Floral Transition 10.3389/fpls.2021.693039 Journal
Identification of male sterile (T, S) of fertility (N) cytoplasm by PCR-based molecular markers to access maintainer lines in onion # Journal
بررسي تغييرات آنزيمي و غيرآنزيمي در فرآيند گلدهي گياه زعفران (Crocussativus L) # Journal
A flowering inhibitor of the temperature-dependent pathway in Crocus sativus L. # Journal
گياه پالايي و تجمع كادميوم در Azolla filiculoides، A. pinnata و آزولاي تالاب انزلي و تاثير آن بر بيان ژن متالوتيونين # Journal
Hyperaccumulation of Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cd in Azolla species inducing expression of methallothionein and phytochelatin synthase genes # Journal
The effect of drought stress on polyphenolic compounds and expression of flavonoid biosynthesis related genes in Achillea pachycephala Rech.f # Journal
رديابي همولوگ ژن توماتيناز در ژنوم قارچFusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis # Journal
اثر هورمون متيل جاسمونات بر بيان ژن فنيل آلانين آمونيا لياز بابا آدم # Journal
مطالعه باززايي مستقيم و غير مستقيم درگونه هاي Digitalis lanata و D. purpurea در شرايط درون شيشه # Journal
بررسي تنوع ژنتيكي ميان برخي نژادگان هاي سيب محلي ايران و رقم هاي تجاري با استفاده از نشانگرهاي مولكولي SSR وSRAP # Journal
Assessment of genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Carthamus species and Iranian cultivar using developed SSR markers # Journal