
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Finite Element Analysis on Chattering in Cold Rolling and Comparison With Experimental Results # Journal
Investigations on Vibration and Buckling of Carbon Nanotubes with Small Initial Curvature by Nonlocal Elasticity Theory 10.1080/1536383X.2013.771171 Journal
An experimental and numerical study of ductile fracture of copper/stainless steel clad sheet in deep drawing process # Journal
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Chatter in Tandem Cold Rolling Mills Based on Wave Propagation Theory # Journal
Asymmetrical rolling analysis of bonded two-layer sheets and evaluation of outgoing curvature # Journal
New multi-pass hot channel section rolling design by the finite element method # Journal
فرم رياضي مدل ساختاري ماده قابل كاربرد در تحليل رفتار پلاستيك فلزات در مدل سازي ماشين كاري # Journal
Slab analysis of asymmetrical rolling of bonded two-layer sheets # Journal
Effect of heat treatment on bonding interface in explosive welded # Journal
Asymmetrical sheet rolling analysis and evaluation of developed curvature # Journal
NULL # Journal
Frequency analysis of chatter vibrations in tandem rolling mills # Journal
Stability Analysis of Circular Nanorings under Different Loading Behavior by Nonlocal Elasticity Theory # Journal
The Contribution of History in Plastic Behavior of Metals in Machining # Journal
Experimental Investigations and ALE Finite Element Method Analysis of Chatter in Cold Strip Rolling # Journal
ارزيابي عملكرد مدلهاي انباشت آسيب در شبيه سازي جدايش براده # Journal
Improving the Quality of Surface in Polishing Process with the Magnetic Abresive Powder Polishing (MAPP) by Use of Ultrasonic Oscillation of workpiece on a CNC Table # Journal
Prediction of Surface Quality due to Chatter Vibration in Rolling of Thin Steel Strip Using ALE Finite Element Method # Journal
Evaluation of chip formation simulation models for material separation in the presence of damage models # Journal
Finite element simulation of thermal barrier coating performance under thermal cycling # Journal