
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
effect of early feed restriction on physiological responses, performance and ascites incidence in broiler chickens raised in normal or cold environment # Journal
Effect of Silicon Nutrition on Oxidative Stress Induced by Phytophthora melonis Infection in Cucumber # Journal
Diversity of soil cellulase isoenzymes is associated with soil cellulase kinetic and thermodynamic parameters # Journal
Does cultivation influence the content and pattern of soil proteins # Journal
Chicken Egg Yolk Antibody (IgY) Powder Against Escherichia coli O78 K80 # Journal
Effects of Dietary Egg Yolk Antibody Powder on Growth Performance Intestinal Escherichia coli Colonization and Immunocompetence of Challenged Broiler Chicks # Journal
In vitro comparison of egg yolk-based and soybean lecithin-based extenders for cryopreservation of ram semen # Journal
In vitro comparison of soybean lecithin based-extender with commercially available extender for ram semen cryopreservation # Journal
Mycocladus corymbiferگونه جديدي از قارچهاي راستهMucorales براي ايران # Journal
Effect of live yeast and mannan-oligosaccharides on performance of early-lactation holstein dairy cows # Journal
Expansive remodeling in venous bypass grafts novel implications for vein graft disease # Journal
Repeated ruminal dosing of Ruminococcus flavefaciens NJ along with a probiotic mixture in forage or concentrate-fed dairy cows Effect on ruminal fermentation cellulolytic populations and in sacco dige # Journal
Adventitial microvessel formation after coronary stenting and the effects of SU11218 a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. # Journal
The cell cycle A critical therapeutic target to prevent vascular proliferative disease # Journal
Cell transplantation preserves matrix homeostasis a novel paracrine mechanism # Journal
Human-grade purified collagenase for the treatment of experimental arterial chronic total occlusion # Journal
The role of perlecan in arterial injury and angiogenesis # Journal
In vitro differences between venous and arterial-derived smooth muscle cells potential modulatory role of decorin # Journal
The Cardiac Atria Are Chambers of Active Remodeling and Dynamic Collagen Turnover During Evolving Heart Failure # Journal
Decorin Inhibition of PDGF-Stimulated Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Function # Journal