Effective Constitutive Parameters Extraction of Bianisotropic Metamaterials Using Bloch Modes
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Analog optical edge detection by spatial high-pass filtering using lithography-free structures
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Wideband and polarisation-independent antireflection coating using metamaterials
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On-chip second-order spatial derivative of an optical beam by a periodic ridge
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Spin-polarized unidirectional cylindrical waveguide in bianisotropic media
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Fundamental limit for gain and resolution in analog optical edge detection
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Design of a wideband terahertz absorber composed of graphene patches
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Unidirectional Surface Waves in Bi-Anisotropic Media
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Two-Dimensional Edge Detection by Guided Mode Resonant Metasurface
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Analysis of magnetically biased graphene-based periodic structures using a transmission-line formulation
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Recent Advances in Spatial Analog Optical Computing
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محاسبه تحليلي منحني پاشندگي ساختارهاي متناوب يك بعدي مبتني بر گرافين
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