
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Estimation of genetic and non-genetic effects on productive life of Iranian Holstein dairy cows 10.1111/asj.70010 Journal
Effects of pre- and postpartum dietary fat sources (soybean oil versus linseed oil) on lactation performance and blood metabolites in transition dairy cows 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2024.116133 Journal
Impact of reproductive traits on productive life in Iranian Holstein dairy cows 10.1111/jbg.12888 Journal
Genomic Evaluation of Average Daily Gain Traits in a Mixture of Arian Line and Urmia Iranian Native Chickens # Journal
Bias and accuracy of body weight trait evaluations of an F2 chicken using single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP) # Journal
Effect of shortening the dry period on colostrum and milk quality, blood parameters and some reproductive parameters in high-producing Holstein cows of different body condition score # Journal
Effect of omega fatty acids sources alone or combined with essential oils on feed intake, apparent digestibility, rumen microbiome and blood metabolites during peripartum period of ewes 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2024.107201 Journal
Effect of Broiler Age and Breeding Region on Bacterial Population Changes of Ileum # Journal
Genomic evaluation of body weight traits in a F2 mixture of commercial broiler and native chicken # Journal
Melatonin accelerates the developmental competence and telomere elongation in ovine SCNT embryos # Journal
تحليل ژنتيكي برخي صفات توليدي و توليدمثلي گاوهاي شيري هلشتاين اصفهان در شرايط تنشگرمايي # Journal
Genetic analysis of retained placenta and its association with reproductive disorder, production, and fertility traits of Iranian Holstein dairy cows # Journal
ارزيابي ژنتيكي جامعه گاوهاي شيري هلشتاين اصفهان براي صفت سرعت دوشش # Journal
Efect of dry period length on plasma minerals and oxidative stress around parturition and milk yield in high?producing Holstein dairy cows # Journal
The Effect of Two Novel Amino Acid Substitutions of BMP15 Gene on Ovulation Rate in Awassi Ewes # Journal
Assessing the consequences and economic impact of retained placenta in Holstein dairy cattle # Journal
Genetic diversity and population structure in the reciprocal cross between a broiler line and indigenous chickens # Journal
Sanguinarine improved nutrient digestibility, hepatic health indices and productive performance in laying hens fed low crude protein diets # Journal
Identification of new genes and quantitative trait locis associated with growth curve parameters in F2 chicken population using genome-wide association study # Journal
Farm and cow factors and their interactions on the incidence of retained placenta in Holstein dairy cows # Journal