Investigating physical layer security in molecular communication networks |
10.1109/TNB.2024.3504540 |
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تخصيص توأمان منابع راديويي و محاسباتي در شبكه دسترسي راديويي ابري |
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Lagrangian Cooperation (LC): A Fog Node Cooperation Algorithm for Smart Cities |
10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3168500 |
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Rate control for therapeutic applications in Internet of Bio-Nano Things using molecular communication: A survey |
10.52953/NRYN5497 |
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Fair Resource Allocation in Cooperative Cognitive Radio IoT Networks |
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Diffusion-Based Molecular Communication Channel in Presence of a Probabilistic Absorber: Single Receptor Model and Congestion Analysis |
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Lifetime Improvement of a Multiple Transmitter Local Drug Delivery System Based on Diffusive Molecular Communication |
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An Offloading Strategy in Mobile Cloud Computing Considering Energy and Delay Constraints |
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Releasing Rate Optimization in a Single and Multiple Transmitter Local Drug Delivery System with Limited Resources |
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Bounds on Throughput of CSMA in Weibull Fading Channels |
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A New Low Latency Forced Handoff Protocol for Wireless Cellular Systems |
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Low Complexity Multi-User Indoor Localization Using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface |
Conference |
تشخيص حضور انسان در خانه هاي هوشمند با استفاده از شبكه بي سيم محلي |
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Optimal Deployment of Multiple Transmitter Drug Delivery System A Spatial Sampling Theorem Approach |
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استفاده از روشهاي حذف تداخل براي افزايش گذردهي در شبكه هاي بي سيم |
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تخصيص كانال پويا و آگاه از بار در شبكه هاي محلي بي سيم |
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زمان بندي لينك در شبكه هاي مش بي سيم با هدف تضمين تاخير انتها به انتها بر پايه ي الگوريتم ژنتيك |
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بررسي روش هاي طراحي لايه متقاطع در شبكه هاي بي سيم |
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A Unified Theory of Scheduling Flow Control and Routing in Wireless Networks |
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