
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Analysis of the Hopf bifurcation in a Diffusive Gierer-Meinhardt Model NULL 1402 07 Journal
انشعاب هاپف در يك مدل شكار-شكارچي فضائي با پاسخ تابعي ريشه دوم براي شكارچي NULL 1402 07 Journal
A criterion for the monotonicity of the ratio of two Abelian integrals in piecewise-smooth differential systems NULL 1402 04 Journal
The center conditions for a perturbed cubic center via the fourth-order Melnikov function NULL 1401 07 Journal
پارامترهاي مستقل و تعداد دورهاي حدي در برخي از دستگاه هاي ليينارد 1401 06 Conference پنجاه و سومين كنفرانس ملي رياضي ايران
Hopf Bifurcation Analysis in a Gierer-Meinhardt Activator-Inhibitor Model NULL 1401 05 Journal
Stability and Dynamic of HIV-1 Mathematical Model with Logistic Target Cell Growth, Treatment Rate, Cure Rate and Cell-to-cell Spread NULL 1401 01 Journal
The Monotonicity of the Ratio of Two Line Integrals in Piecewise Smooth Differential Systems 10.1007/s12591-022-00599-7 1400 12 Journal
The monotonicity of the ratio of two hyperelliptic Abelian integrals for a class of symmetric potential systems of degree eight NULL 1400 12 Journal
Optimal control of an HIV infection model with logistic growth, cellular and homural immune response, cure rate and cell-to-cell spread NULL 1400 10 Journal
Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive predator-prey model with a square-root singularity 10.12775/TMNA.2021.024 1400 09 Journal
پايداري و انشعاب هاپف در يك سيستم شكار-شكارچي انتشار با پاسخ هولينگ نوع دو 1400 06 Conference پنجاه و دومين كنفرانس رياضي ايران
Stability and Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of a Reduced Gierer-Meinhardt Model 10.1142/S0218127421501492 1400 03 Journal
بيان نحوه عملكرد ويروس نقص ايمني انساني در بدن انسان و تأثير درمان با استفاده از مدل رياضي NULL 1400 01 Journal
Hopf bifurcation analysis in a delayed model of tumor therapy with oncolytic viruses NULL 1400 01 Journal
On the monotonicity of the ratio of some hyperelliptic integrals of order 7 NULL 1399 08 Journal
The third order melnikov function of a cubic integrable system under quadratic perturbations NULL 1399 06 Journal
On the Number of Limit Cycles Bifurcated from Some Non-Polynomial Hamiltonian Systems 10.1007/s12591-018-00448-6 1397 10 Journal
An extended complete Chebyshev system of 3 Abelian integrals related to a non-algebraic Hamiltonian system NULL 1397 06 Journal
Higher Order Melnikov Functions for Studying Limit Cycles of Some Perturbed Elliptic Hamiltonian Vector Fields 10.1007/s12346-018-0284-1 1397 06 Journal