
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
A test for independence via Bayesian nonparametric estimation of mutual information 10.1002/cjs.11645 1401 06 Journal
A Bayesian nonparametric multi-sample test in any dimension NULL 1401 04 Journal
A Necessary Bayesian Nonparametric Test for Assessing Multivariate Normality 10.3103/S1066530721030029 1400 04 Journal
A probabilistic Bayesian framework to deal with the uncertainty in hydro-climate projection of Zayandeh-Rud River Basin 10.1007/s00704-021-03575-3 1399 12 Journal
A Bayesian semiparametric Gaussian copula approach to a multivariate normality test 10.1080/00949655.2020.1820504 1399 07 Journal
بررسي عدم قطعيت اثر تغيير اقليم بر جريان هاي حدي زاينده رود با استفاده از روش ميانگين گيري بيزي NULL 1398 10 Journal
A comparison of the bayesian nonparametric and classical procedures for two-sample hypothesis testing NULL 1398 04 Journal
A Folded Laplace Slash Distribution and Its Applications NULL 1397 10 Journal
Bayesian Test of Different Association Structures in Two-Way Contingency Tables 10.18869/acadpub.jsri.14.1.1 1396 06 Journal
Investigation of the pore geometrical structure of nanofibrous membranes using statistical modelling 10.1007/s00339-016-0439-3 1395 07 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
A Bayesian nonparametric entropy estimation via polya tree prior 1399 07 Conference the 4th seminar on information theory and its application
A Study on the Estimation of Reliability Function in Coherent System by Using P´olya Tree Prior 1397 06 Conference چهاردهمين كنفرانس ملي آمار ايران
Bayesian quantile regression analysis for zero inflated continuous data 1396 05 Conference چهل و هشتمين كنفرانس رياضي ايران
Bayesian nonparametric goodness of fit test for survival data 1396 02 Conference سومين سمينار تخصصي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن
BAYESIAN LAPLACE REGRESSION FOR C-INFLATED SURVIVAL DATA 1396 02 Conference سومين سمينار تخصصي نظريه قابليت اعتماد و كاربردهاي آن
Bayesian tests for detecting inflation in negative binomial distribution 1395 06 Conference سيزدهمين كنفرانس آمار ايران
مطالعه ساختار هندسي سازه هاي نانوليفي به كمك مدل آماري 1395 02 Conference دهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي نساجي ايران
A bayesian study on the estimate of hazard function of coherent systems for weighted lindley distribution 1395 02 Conference چهارمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي قابليت اطمينان
براورد بيزي توزيع ليندلي موزون 1394 05 Conference دهمين سمينار احتمال و فرايندهاي تصادفي
A study for testing Zero inflated Negative Binomial versus Negative Binomial distribution 1394 05 Conference دهمين سمينار احتمال و فرايندهاي تصادفي