
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Neuromodulation effect of temporal interference stimulation based on network computational model 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1436205 Journal
تعيين محتواي رطوبت نسبي برگ دو ژنوتيپ كنجد با طيف سنجي مرئي- مادونقرمز نزديك (Vis/NIR) براي تشخيص تنش خشكي # Journal
Automatic extraction of canopy and artificial reference temperatures for determination of crop water stress indices by using thermal imaging technique and a fuzzy-based image-processing algorithm # Journal
Effect of micro climatic indices on the accuracy of thermographic plant water status monitoring, case study of a semi-arid area # Journal
Computational analysis of non-invasive deep brain stimulation based on interfering electric fields # Journal
A Sparse Analysis-Based Single Image Super-Resolution 10.3390/computers8020041 Journal
بهبود الگوريتم شبيه سازي زمين آماري چند نقطه اي فيلترسيم از طريق طراحي فيلترهاي سازگار با الگوهاي موجود در تصاوير آموزشي و شرطي سازي نظارت شده # Journal
پيشگويي برخط و تك كاناله وقوع حمله صرعي با ارائه الگوي توليد صرع بر روي سيگنالهاي الكتروانسفالوگرام عمقي با استفاده از فيلتر كالمن توسعه يافته # Journal
Plant temperature-based indices using infrared thermography for detecting water status in sesame under greenhouse conditions Agricultural Water Management # Journal
Random partitioning and adaptive filters for multiple-point stochastic simulation 10.1007/s00477-017-1453-5 Journal
Local derivative radial patterns A new texture descriptor for content-based image retrieval 10.1016/j.sigpro.2017.02.013 Journal
New content-based image retrieval system based on optimised integration of DCD wavelet and curvelet features 10.1049/iet-ipr.2016.0542 Journal
بهبود دهي سرعت و مقاومت رديابي تصويري تنك مبنا در مواجهه با انسداد جزئي به كمك مدل سازي زبر و نرم منظر هدف # Journal
An industrial image processing-based approach for estimation of iron ore green pellet size distribution # Journal
Robust Estimation and Tracking of Pitch Period Using an Efficient Bayesian Filter # Journal
Video Densitometry Technique in Computation of Blood Flow Velocity in Diabetic Retinopathy 10.1166/jmihi.2016.1580 Journal
پايش وضعيت آبي درختان زيتون به روش تصويربرداري حرارتي # Journal
Online Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Wavelet-Based Bi-Phase Correlation of Electrical Signals Tomography # Journal
3D Aortic Impedance Tomography Analysis as a Perspective of Blood Flow Velocity # Journal
Longitudinal Impedance Tomography for Blood Pressure Characterization of Valve Deformation # Journal