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Temperature dependence of exchange-spring interaction in core-shell Co0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4/ SrFe12O19 magnetic nanofibers
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The nature of the frequency dependence of the adiabatic temperature change in Ni50Mn28Ga22-x(Cu, Zn)x Heusler alloys in cyclic magnetic fields
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Study on the effects of cadmium and chromium substitution in hydrothermally-synthesized spinel cobalt ferrite nanoparticles
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The correlation between external magnetic field and multifractal characteristics of PLD deposited DLC films
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Atomic force microscopy and multifractal analysis in diamond-like carbon films
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Effect of Yb doping on the structural and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles
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Influence of W doping on the structure, magnetism and exchange bias in Ni<sub>47</sub>Mn<sub>40</sub>Sn<sub>13? x </sub>W<sub> x </sub> Heusler alloys
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