Isolation, identification, and application of zinc-solubilizing bacteria exhibiting beneficial traits to promote plant growth and metal uptake |
10.1007/s13762-024-06064-y |
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Symbiosis with endophyte leads to greater C accumulation in grassland soils |
10.1016/j.funeco.2023.101301 |
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Variation of soil amino acid pools and N-hydrolysis potential in arid lands |
10.1111/ejss.13432 |
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Changes in L-Glutaminase and L-Asparaginase Activities During Vermicomposting of Organic Solid Wastes |
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Amino mapping: possibility to visualize amino-N compounds in the rhizosphere of Zea Mays L. |
10.1007/s00374-023-01754-0 |
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L-arginine application triggered soil hydrolytic activity |
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Monitoring of diazinon in soil samples by ion mobility spectrometry |
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Deforestation alters protease regulation by amino acids |
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Aboveground endophyte (Epichloë coenophiala) symbiosis enhanced rhizosphere enzyme activities of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) |
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Responses of soil-inhabiting mesostigmatid mites to deforestation and disturbance in oak (Quercus brontii) forests of southwestern Iran |
10.17221/54/2021-JFS |
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بررسي برهمكنش كيتوزان با سرب بر فعاليت آنزيم ها در دو خاك اسيدي و آهكي |
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Uptake and effects of lead and zinc on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seed germination and seedling growth, Role of plant growth promoting bacteria |
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Uptake and translocation monitoring of imidacloprid to chili and tomato plants by molecularly imprinting extraction - ion mobility spectrometry |
10.1016/j.microc.2018.09.007 |
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Large macroaggregates determine distribution of soil amidohydrolase activities at different landscape positions |
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پتاسيم زيست توده ميكروبي در گروهي از خاك هاي آهكي |
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اثر نوع بقاياي گياهي بر معدني شدن نيتروژن در شرايط تنش خشكي در يك خاك آهكي |
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Isolation and Characterization of Pb-Solubilizing Bacteria and Their Effects on Pb Uptake by Brassica juncea Implications for Microbe-Assisted Phytoremediation |
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بررسي الگوي توزيع خاكدانه اي فسفر قابل استفاده و فعاليت فسفاتازهاي اسيدي و قليايي در موقعيت هاي مختلف شيب |
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Aggregate size distribution of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea at different landscape positions |
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