
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
تاثر پارامترهاي پوشش دهي بر ايجاد ترك عمودي در پوشش هاي سد حرارتي (TBCs) اعمالي به روش پاشش پلاسماي اتمسفري (APS) بر روي زيرلايه فولاد آستنيتي AISI321 1400 09 Conference بيست و سومين سمپوزيوم ملي فولاد 400
Hot corrosion of Gd2Zr2O7, Gd2Zr2O7/YbSZ, YSZ + Gd2Zr2O7/YbSZ, and YSZ thermal barrier coatings exposed to Na2SO4 + V2O5 NULL 1400 07 Journal
Phase relations and thermomechanical properties of (Gd2Zr2O7)1-x(YbSZ)x based thermal barrier coatings (0?x?0.98) NULL 1400 05 Journal
Crack propagation and toughening mechanisms of bio-inspired artificial spicules fabricated by additive manufacturing technique 10.1016/j.tafmec.2020.102797 1399 09 Journal
Multifunctional plasma-sprayed nanocomposite coating based on FA-ZnO-GO with improved bioactivity and wear behaviour NULL 1399 07 Journal
In situ synthesis of fluorapatite-ZnO nanocomposite powder via mechanical alloying for biomedical applications NULL 1398 10 Journal
Preparation of self-healing anti-corrosion coatings using oil-filled ethyl cellulose nanocapsules 10.1080/02670844.2019.1689641 1398 09 Journal
ارزيابي تاثير جايگزيني روي بر خاصيت آنتي باكتريال فلوئورآپاتيت توسط آلياژسازي مكانيكي 1398 07 Conference هشتمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي مواد و متالورژي
بررسي اعمال پوشش آلومينايدي به روش گازي بر روي فولاد HP-Micro جهت مقابله با كربوريزاسيون و كك گيري 1397 11 Conference نوزدهمين همايش ملي مهندسي سطح
Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus Plating on WC-Co Powders using HVOF Feedstock NULL 1397 11 Journal
Electroless nickelphosphorus plating on WCCo powders using HVOF feedstock NULL 1397 04 Journal
Surface Modification by Friction Stir Processing of Low-Carbon Steel Microstructure Investigation and Wear Performance NULL 1396 11 Journal
Microstructural mechanical and thermal shock properties of triple layer TBCs with thicknesses of bond coat and ceramic top coat deposited onto polyimide matrix composite NULL 1396 10 Journal
Multi-layered thermal barrier coatings on BMI polyimide matrix composite NULL 1396 10 Journal
Photocatalytic Activity of Flame Sprayed Coating of Zinc Ferrite Powder NULL 1396 07 Journal
Tribological properties of B4CTiB2TiCNi cermet coating produced by HVOF NULL 1396 05 Journal
Characterization of Copper Coatings Deposited by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Spray for Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Applications NULL 1396 05 Journal
Microstructure Tensile Adhesion Strength and Thermal Shock Resistance of TBCs with Different Flame-Sprayed Bond Coat Materials onto BMI Polyimide Matrix Composite NULL 1396 05 Journal
High Precision Determination of Residual Stress of As Sprayed and Ground WC10Co4Cr Coating Using Optimized XRD sin2 Technique NULL 1396 05 Journal
Effect of Number of Passes on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe/Al Surface Composites Produced by Plasma Spraying and Friction Stir Processing NULL 1396 04 Journal