
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Residual Lifetime of Repairable Systems and Phase type Approximation 10.1080/16843703.2023.2219533 Journal
Irregular Shaped Small Nodule Detection Using a Robust Scan Statistic 10.1007/s12561-022-09353-7 Journal
بهينه سازي چند دورهاي سبد سرمايه بر اساس اندازه ريسك احتمالي و مدلAR(1)-GARCH(1,1) # Journal
Zero-inflated bell scan: A more flexible spatial scan statistic # Journal
Condition-based Maintenance Policies for a Multi-unit Deteriorating System Subject to Shocks in a Semi-Markov Operating Environment # Journal
Identification of larval stages of fish in southeastern coastal waters of the Caspian Sea- Golestan Province # Journal
A new cumulative shock model with damage and inter-arrival time dependency 10.1016/j.ress.2018.01.006 Journal
Optimization of multi-period portfolio model after fitting best distribution # Journal
On the Existence of Hilbert Valued Periodically Correlated Autoregressive Processes # Journal
First order autoregressive periodically correlated model in Banach spaces Existence and central limit theorem # Journal
An extension theorem for finite positive measures on surfaces of finite dimensional unit balls in Hilbert spaces # Journal
Using Slippage Theory to Analyze Shear Behavior of Loop-Formed Fiber Reinforced Soil Composites # Journal
Level-phase independent stationary distributions for GI/M/1-type Markov chains with infinitely-many phases # Journal
On time reversibility of Linear Time Series # Journal
A representation for characteristic functionals of stable random measures with values in Sazanov spaces # Journal
براورد اندازه طيفي بردارهاي تصادفي پايدار # Journal
همگرايي تابع خودكواريانس نمونه اي در فرايندهاي پايدار متقارن # Journal
A Statistical Test for Time Reversibility of Stationary Finite-State Markov Chains # Journal
Characterization of Multidimensional Stable Random Measures by Means of Vector Measures # Journal
پايداري توزيعهاي حدي # Journal