
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
An investigation on the morphology and microstructure of electrospun CMCH/PEO and CMCH/PVA nanofibers # Journal
Controlled release of thiram pesticide from polycaprolactone micro and nanofibrous mat matrix # Journal
Controlled release of Doxorubicin embedded in carboxymethyl chitosan nanofibers # Journal
Production of conductive electrospun polypyrrole/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) nanofibers # Journal
Controlled release of thiram pesticide from poly (Llactic acid) nanofibers # Journal
Release of Aloe vera from Electrospun Aloe vera-PVA Nanofibrous Pad # Journal
پوشش دهي پارچه ابريشمي با استفاده از نانوالياف ضدباكتري پلي وينيل الكل - سيپروفلوكساسين هيدروكلرايد براي كاربرد درمصارف پزشكي # Journal
Synthesis of polyester urethane urea and fabrication of elastomeric nanofibrous scaffolds for myocardial regeneration # Journal
توليد ميكروالياف پلي وينيل الكل ضدباكتري براي كاربرد در زخم پوش # Journal
Investigation of Electroactive Behavior of PVA/TiO2 Nanofibers Webs Coated with Polyaniline # Journal
Electrospinning and Characterization of Poly (vinyl alcohol) - Sericin nanofibers as a Potential for Tissue Engineering Applications # Journal
Electrospun PHBV nanofibers containing HA and bredigite nanoparticles Fabrication characterization and evaluation of mechanical properties and bioactivity # Journal
Electrospun PHBV nanofibers containing HA and bredigite nanoparticles Fabrication characterization and evaluation of mechanical properties and bioactivity # Journal
Cell Attachment and Proliferation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells on PLGA/Chitosan Electrospun Nano-Biocomposite # Journal
Effect of CO2 on Mesomorphic Structure of Cold-Drawn Poly(ethylene therephthalate) Fibers by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis # Journal
Nanobiocomposite of poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/chitosan electrospun # Journal
Nanobiocomposite of poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/chitosan electrospun scaffold can promote proliferation and transdifferentiation of Schwann-like cells from human adipose-derived stem cells # Journal
Characterization of PLGA/Chitosan Electrospun Nano-Biocomposite Fabricated by Two Different Methods # Journal
Hysteresis phenomenon in heat-voltage curves of polypyrrole coated electrospun nanofibrous and regular fibrous mats # Journal
Production and Evaluation of Polyblend of Agar and Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers for in vitro Release of Methotrexate in Cancer Therapy # Journal