Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, 2014- 2019.
Thesis: Evaluating the effectiveness of supportive policies on the stability of wheat production in Iran- M.A., Agricultural Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, 2011- 2013.
Thesis: Effects of energy price liberalization on marginal abatement costs of controlling polluting and greenhouse gases in Iran's agricultural sector. - B.A., Agricultural Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2007- 2011.
- Deputy of Student Affairs, College of Agricultural Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2022- today.
- Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Rural Development Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2020- today.
- Associate Researcher at Presidential Center for Development Cooperation in the Field of Agriculture and Food, 3/1/2017 12/25/2017.
- Associate Researcher at Etka Organization Research and Innovation Center. 5/2/2015 10/20/2017.
- Associate Member at Iranian Agricultural Economics Association. 2014-today.
- Handling Editor, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management.
- Reviewer, Journal of Agriculture and Food Security.
- Reviewer, Journal of Environment, Development and Sustainability.
- Reviewer, Journal of Biomass and Bio Energy.
- Selected Academic Awards of the National Elite Foundation of Iran, 2015.
- Winner of Research Project Facility Award instead of Military Service. National Elite Foundation of Iran, 2014.
- Top Article in the First International Conference on Knowledge, Industry and Trade of Cotton. Iranian Cotton Research Institute, 2012.