Zeinab Maleki is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology. Before that, she was a one-year Postdoctoral Fellow in the Combinatorics and Computing Group at Institute for Research in Fundamental Science in Tehran.

She got her PhD at Isfahan University of Technology in 2015 under supervision of Behnaz Omoomi and during the last three years of her PhD, she hold several visiting positions in the USA. She spent the 2014-2015 academic year at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) at the University of Minnesota, associated to the annual program Thematic Year on Discrete Structures: Analysis and Application.



Visiting professor at Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, March 2019, May-September 2019.

Research fellow at Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, Sept. 2014-May 2015. Mentor: Zoltan Furedi.

Visiting student at Department of Mathematics and Computer ScienceEmory University, Atlanta, USA, Sept. 2013-Jan. 2014. Advisor: Zoltan Furedi.

Visiting student at Department of MathematicsUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, USA, Jan.-Sept. 2013. Advisor: Zoltan Furedi and Alexandr V. Kostochka.

Visiting student at Department of Applied Mathematics & StatisticsJohns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, Aug. 2012-Jan. 2013. Advisor: Edward Scheinerman.

Academic training at Department of Mathematical SciencesShahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, Jan.-June 2009. Mentor: Hossein Hajiabolhassan.

Visiting student at Department of MathematicsNational University of Singapore, Singapore, Sept.-Dec. 2007. Advisor: Khee Meng Koh.


Professional Activities:

Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies of Electerical and Computer Engeenering Department (2023-Now)

Director of Student Awards Office and Outreach Programs (2020–2023)

Member of Departmental Graduate Committee (2018–2021)

Co-organizer of 10th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (2017)