
Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156, I.R. IRAN

TEL: +98-31- 33913268, FAX: +98-31- 33912350,

E-mail: rezaei@cc.iut.ac.ir or rezaeimeister@gmail.com URL: http://rezaei.iut.ac.ir/

Citations    4195 

h-index       35     

i10-index    127   

  • Position: From July 1990 until now Member of Department of chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT).


  • Visiting Scientist: University of Victoria, BC, Canada 2011-2012(for 9 month)

 ØMember of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)

  • Member of Electrochemical Society of Iran
  • Member of Chemical Society of Iran
  • Member of Center of Excellence of Sensor (IUT)

ØMember of Center of Excellence of Nano and Environment (IUT)

  • Education:

  1994-1998 Ph.D: From Isfahan University of Technology   1987-89 M.Sc.: From Isfahan University

  • 1983-87 B. Sc.: From IsfahanUniversity


  1. 2011-2012, Editors Board, Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry, 
  2. From March 2014 until now, Editors Board, Journal of Nanoanalysis. http://www.jnanoanalysis.net/index.php/en/editorial-board).
  3. From December 2014 until now; Chairperson   of Mirror Technical Committee of Jewellery of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in IRAN - ISIRI/TC/174.
  4. From September 2015 until now; Member of Isfahan Province Committee in Codification Policy of Standardization. 
  5. From 2016, Editors Board, Jacobs Journal of Materials Science.
  6. http://materialsscience.jacobspublishers.com/).
  7. From 2016, Editors Board, Journal of Biosensors, Biomarkers and Diagnostics.
  8. http://www.symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/biosensors-biomarkers-diagnostics/editorialboard.php).
  9. 1995: Organization committee of 5th Iranian Analytical Chem. Conference, College of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, April 12-14, 1995 I.R. Iran.
  10. 2001: Scientific committee of Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. For standard codification of 1st. Edition of Secondary cells and batteries. Test methods for checking the performance of devices designed for reducing explosion hazards., ISIRI 6222, Tehran, Iran.
  11. 2001: Scientific committee of Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. For standard codification of Guide for the use of monitor system for Lead-Acid Traction Batteries, ISIRI 6223, Tehran, Iran.
  12. 2001: Scientific committee of Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. For standard codification of Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Guide to designation of current in alkaline secondary cell and battery standards, ISIRI 6224, Tehran, Iran.
  13. 2002: Scientific committee of Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. For standard codification of Electrolyte for Vented Nickle- Cadmium Cells, ISIRI 6220, Tehran, Iran.
  14. 2002: Scientific committee of Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. For standard codification of 1st. Edition of Marking of Secondary Cells and Batteries with International Recycling Symbol ISO 7000-1135 , ISIRI 6221, Tehran, Iran.
  15. 2009: Scientific committee of the 5th Iranian Electrochemical Congress, April 2009, Tarbiat Modaress University, Tehran, Iran.
  16. 2010: Scientific committee of the 8th Iranian Electrochemical Congress, Oct. 9-10, 2010, Kish University, Kish Island, Iran, I.R. IRAN.
  17. 2011: Scientific committee of the 13th Iranian Chemistry Congress, Sept. 2-5, 2011, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran.
  18. 2013: Scientific committee of the 19th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, March 03-05, 2013; Ferdowsi University, Mashad, Iran.
  19. 2013: Scientific committee of the 14th Iranian Chemistry Congress, Sept. 2-5, 2013, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
  20. 2014: Organization & Scientific committee of the 20th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, Feb. 26-28, 2014; Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
  21. 2015: Chairperson of Committee in Codification of Standard no. 20696, Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran, Isfahan," Jewellery- Sampling of precious metal alloys for and in jewellery and associated products".
  22. 2015: Chairperson of Committee in Codification of Standard no. 18046-1, Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran, Isfahan," Watch-cases and accessories- Gold alloy coverings- Part 1: General requirements".
  23. 2015: Chairperson of Committee in Codification of Standard no. 8107, Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran, Isfahan,"Jewellery- Determination of palladium in palladium jewellery alloys- Gravimetric determination with dimethylglyoxime".
  24. 2016: Chairperson of Committee in Codification of Standard no. 8110, Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran, Isfahan,"Jewellery- Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys- Gravimetric method after precipitation of diammonium hexachloroplatinate".
  25. 2016: Chairperson of Committee in Codification of Standard no. 8019, Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran, Isfahan,"Jewellery- Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys- Volumetric (potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride".
  26. 2016: Chairperson of Committee in Codification of Standard no. 8111, Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran, Isfahan,"Jewellery- Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys- Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide".


ØHonors & Awards

  The Province (Isfahan) Selected Researcher, 2012.

  The Distinguished Applied Researcher of Isfahan University of Technology, 2010

  The Distinguished Researcher of Isfahan University of Technology, 2008.

  Highly Cited Researcher in Isfahan University of Technology, 2007.   

      Youngest Researcher in Isfahan University of Technology, 2006.

  Distinguished Excellent Student award (in PhD degree) in Iran, 1997.

  Distinguished Excellent Student award (in Ms Degree) from Isfahan University of Iran, 1990.