Dr. Komeil Nasouri is currently an Associate Professor at Textile Engineering Department, Faculty of Isfahan University of Technology (IUT). He was born in Rasht, Iran. Dr. Nasouri gained his B.Sc. (2009) from Guilan University. He received the M.Sc. degree in Structures of Nanofiber Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), 2011. He graduated with a Ph.D. degree in 2015 from AUT. His Ph.D. research involved the study of fabrication of nanocomposite nanofibers containing nanostructured materials and studying their electromagnetic wave reflection and absorption properties. At the same time as studying for in Ph.D., he worked in synthetic fibers and high-performance fibers production factories as a scientific and technical consultant. Also, he was a PostDoc researcher, lecturer, advisor, and teaching assistant during 2015-2018 in AUT. After gaining experience in academic and industrial sections, he joined the academic staff of the Department of Textile Engineering of IUT in Jan. 2018. He has recently been very actively involved in research concentrating on high-tech fibers, composite nanofibers, novel conductive composites, impadance matching technology, EMI shielding, and microwave absorption.


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