Mohammad Sedghi received his BSc, MSc and PhD degrees all in electrical engineering, in 2010, 2012 and 2018, from Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Amirkabir University of Technology and IUT, respectively. During his PhD program, Mohammad carried out his research as a visiting scholar in Prof. Guo's research group at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, from Jan. 2017 through Jan. 2018. He was a postdoctoral researcher of the department of electrical and computer engineering (ECE) at IUT from Jan. 2019 to March 2021, working on a joint project between IUT and CERN. In March 2021, He became an assistant professor at the department of ECE at Isfahan University of Technology. His main research interest are optoelectronics, organic electronics, photonic and semiconductor sensors and devices.